
Notas detalladas de la versión de Scope 25.0

Explora las nuevas funciones y descubre cómo los cambios en Scope mejoran tu experiencia diaria.


Email functionality

Scope will remember a previously chosen other sender email address for future usage on the same Scope client. If you send an email from a shipment selecting another email address, this email address will be the default sending email address for the next email message that you will compose.

This does not affect the forms generated from Scope. The header of the forms will by default contain the first email address defined for your user ID. (A customer-specific change is possible.) The same applies to the bcc of the email message. This will also contain the first email address defined for your user ID.


Air Freight Booking Portal

Implementation of new feature Air Freight Booking Portal integration via CargoAi.
New integration into the quotation module with an option to create multiple quotation options from one Air Freight Booking Portal search query.

You can find all the details on how to get and how to use this function here:
What is the Air Freight Booking Portal in Scope?

You want to see how the Air Freight Booking Portal is integrated in the quotation module?
How do I use the Air Freight Booking Portal in quotation module?

  •  Show search parameter on result panel
  • Add option to hide flight options without costs


Task Management 

Air_Tasks_Dialog_EN_plus arrow2
Task management is a preview version but could be activated upon request. Please contact Scope Service to activate the feature if interested.
Knowledge Base Article for the Task Management

CO₂ calculation

CO₂ calculation allows configuring individual movement scopes per shipment/booking.
A new option within the CO₂ detail dialog allows to configure individually which of the pre-carriage, main leg and on-carriage legs shall be taken into CO₂ calculation. This allows to calculate the footprint correctly for various special scenarios, e.g. for an air shipment for which the on-carriage should not be considered.Air_co2_movement scope dialog_EN


Added a Road Feeder Service (RFS) flight marker and respecting this flag in the CO₂ calculation

Departure Control

  • Added a reset option to Departure Control
  • Execution of the departure control on master level creating manual entered DEP/ARR events is now synchronized down to the house shipments linked to the master. This allows a better coverage of triggering actions based upon DEP/ARR events in the house tracking plan


DGR Enhancements to support ADR in Air- and Simple-Shipments: adding fields “ADR-Packing-Type” and “Technical name” in DGR panel (which had already been available for Ocean Shipments). Enhancement includes these fields being available for TransportOrder Interface.
Air_DGR_new fields_EN

Air Security

  • Allow SPX by KC via 3rd party with airline messaging including (a) the RA number of the issuer plus (b) the RA number of the accepting party plus (c) the KC number
  • Air Security with manual confirmation: Prevent print/finish/send of secured AWB if confirming person's name not on AWB
  • Changed security behavior of Super-House Shipments being same as that of Master Shipments


Portbase Secure Chain Container Release

Allow EAN Number Entry on Road Carrier and validate EAN Check Digit for Portbase

In case this (new) action is selected for a given shipment/master, a new dialog opens to allow nominating an inland operator for each container (found in the received webhook event from portbase)

Ocean_Nominate_Road carrier_Portbase_EN


Save CMR:

  • allows the collection of CMRs per Transport Order

  • allows OK (besides Print, PDF, Cancel) now, so that you might store changes only

  • in case of Transport Orders with multiple containers, store CMR per container


Scope generates manual (vessel) departure and arrival events when users fill the date (+time) into ATS and ATA fields on the general shipment tab. These events can fulfill milestone within the tracking plan like inbound EDI events do.


Air Freight Booking Portal in Quotations

To do a search, the Departure, Destination, Pieces, Gross Weight, and Volume fields must be filled in on the General tab of a quote.

To initiate the search, go to the Calculation tab. On the Calculation tab, you can access the Air Freight Booking Portal in two different ways:

Single Search
  • only fills in the booking option

  • to be opened via the link “Lookup flights and rates via the Air Freight Booking Portal...”

  • Simply enter the ETD and run the search (limited to ETD + 4 days)

  • Click “Search flight”, then on the next page you can select a flight

The costs will be applied, and the selected flight will be added to the quotation. Any other distinct charges (e.g., from a tariff) will remain unchanged.

To search for multiple flights/rates at once
FIN_offer_multiple options_EN
  • To search for multiple flights/rates at once, you must first enable the “Offer multiple options” feature.
  • Next, click on “New by Air Freight Booking Portal”
    FIN_new by Air Freight Booking Portal_EN
  • The search process is the same. In the results, you can select multiple rates by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on your desired options.
    FIN_Select rates for option_EN
Finally, by clicking “Select Flights,” you can now add multiple options to a quotation.

General Notes

  • The Recalculate function is also compatible with rates from the Air Freight Booking Portal, for example, when there are changes to the chargeable weight.
  • The fields in the search remain editable.
  • The values on the General tab apply to the quotation. If a search is performed using a chargeable weight of 200 kg, but the quotation reflects only 100 kg, the selected rate will be calculated based on the 100 kg weight.
  • A tagging system to indicate the source of the rates (Manual, Tariff, Booking Portal) is currently under development.



With Scope 25.0, users can generate XRechnung invoices directly from Scope. An XML file is created and sent to the invoice recipient.

You can define the invoice format individually for each recipient/debtor. This is facilitated by the new “E-Invoicing” tab, which includes fields from the Invoice Generation and introduces additional fields.

Once the XRechnung format is selected, the “Additional Data Fields” become mandatory. The fields for Routing ID (BT-10, which refers to the invoice recipient or an email) and Buyer’s electronic address (BT-49, typically an email of the recipient) are required in the XRechnung format. Default values for both fields will be taken from a person marked as the “Invoice Recipient” in the debtor profile. If these fields are missing, an error message will prompt you to create them.

This setup also applies when you designate XRechnung as the format for the entire legal entity, which can be configured in the Accounting Settings under the “Invoices” section for “Legal E-Invoicing.”

For partners who have a different E-Invoice standard than XRechnung in their debtor profile, the XRechnung format will not be applied. Specific corporate E-Invoice formats will take precedence.

Additional notes of interest:

  • The filenames of the XML files now match those of the invoice PDFs.
  • E-invoices of all formats are now stored in the Scope Document Archive.

Here is a knowledge base article to cover this topic:
How do I set up e-invoicing in Scope?

NL Customs

DMS Declarations will now load Authorizations from the declarant NL customs Partner role according to the selected type of declarations. Authorizations are recognized by the value in position 3 to 5 of the license number.

Declaration Type / loaded license types : License types

Imports - DPO , AEO , CWP
Import Storage - AEO , CWP
Temporary Imports - TEA, CGU, AEO
Inward Processing - IPO, IPO, AEO
Destruction - TEA, CGU, AEO
Fiscal Territory - DPO , AEO.

Additionally, if the requested procedure is set to “44 / Bijzondere Bestemmingen” then the license's of the type EUS and CGU are loaded if available on the Declarant.

NCTS5/DVA Departure (IE015) — Location of Goods Details 

All Fields related to the “Location of Goods” have been moved from the transport tab 
to the 1st tab of the NCTS5/DVA declaration. In order to provide a more logical defaulting for the related fields.

Aquí puede consultar la lista completa de cambios de la versión 25.0