
Task Management

Keep track of user and team tasks directly in Scope. Jump to related entities.

Task management requires future features and fine-tuning but could be activated upon request. Please contact Scope Service to activate the feature if interested.

Start up

In the Scope main view, click on the or the symbol. Clicking the symbol opens a dialog showing tasks.

Under rare circumstances, it might be possible that the dialog is positioned outside the screen and appears like not being shown. With the keyboard shortcuts of the Microsoft Snap your windows feature, it is possible to move the dialog back on the visible screen. See also KB: Why can't I see the notes?

The symbol in the bottom menu will always open the contextual task related to the marked object. The bottom menu symbol changes color when the current selected object has assigned open tasks.

To create a task, follow these steps

1. Click on the Task Symbol (in the bottom) while viewing an open record or object.
Example: You have opened a shipment, then the task will be created and related to this shipment. The tab Context tasks will state: Tasks for <shipment number or something similar>

2. Select the “Context Tasks” tab.

3. Click on “New task” at the bottom of the window.

4. Fill in the title, description, and due date/time for the task.

5. Select the user to whom the task will be assigned. You can search for a user by double-clicking in the field or typing in letters/numbers.

Context tasks

Depending on the selected object on the Scope homepage or the currently opened object (for example, tasks related to “Shipment XYZ” or “Transport Order 1123”),

action links:  new task or open related entity.

My tasks

Tasks assigned personally to the user. This view shows all tasks of the user over all branch offices.

Team tasks

Lists all tasks assigned to users of the current selected branch office. This is useful to have an overview and to reassign tasks if needed.


Entity/Reference Object: This may be directly related to the task at hand, but it is not always necessary. The task could involve multiple steps, and the entity might serve merely as a starting or ending point.