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  2. Finance
  3. Payables/Costs/Estimates

How can I create and send Account Statements and Dunnings?

You can create and send Dunnings and Account Statements in the Payments (Invoices) module.

Scope assumes you want to email dunnings and/or account statements to the respective partner. Therefore, you need to make sure that an Email template “Dunning” and “Statement” is available. Please create/check your Email templates under Settings > Email Settings ... Templates.
You will find additional info on how to access this feature in this article:

Create and Send Account Statements or Dunnings

  1. Go to Finance > Payments (Invoices).
  2. Mark the Invoice Partner to whom you want to send a dunning or an account statement.

  3. Click the New button on the menu bar.

  4. Select either Statement or Dunning.

  5. The new window shows the invoices which will be included in the dunning / account statement. Here you can decide if you want to send this via email and if you want to attach the invoices to the email.

  6. Click OK to generate the statement/dunning.

The generated Dunnings/Account Statements can be found in the module Dunnings/Account Statements.

If you want the Dunning/Account statement to be sent by Email to a selected recipient, you can add this to the Contacts tab of the respective partner:

Add a Contact with the role Dunning Recipient

  1. Go to Master Data > Partner > Open/Create a partner.
  2. Go to the tab Contacts.
  3. Edit or create a new contact, then check the box Dunning recipient.
    Also make sure a valid email is entered in the email field on the left side.

For the complete process, check this article:

How can I use the batch function?

Create and Send Account Statements or Dunnings as a batch in the Dunnings/Account Statements module

To process statements/dunnings as a batch, there is some configuration needed first.

  1. Please inform the Riege Service Team how many days should be between two dunnings, to avoid the same partner being mailed on consecutive days. Default is set to 0 (zero).
  2. In order to send dunnings or account statements by mail, it is necessary to have email templates for this: Create/Check your email templates under Settings > Email settings ... Templates.
    You will find additional info on how to access this feature in this article: https://service.riege.com/en/knowledge/email-signatures-and-templates
  3. Each partner who should be part of the batch function needs to be setup for it individually:
    1. Go to Master Data > Partner and open the partner.

    2. Select the tab Roles.

    3. Select or add the role Debtor.

    4. Within that role go to the tab Dunnings and check the two boxes Send statements via the batch action and Send dunnings via the batch action.

    5. Save the partner.statements includes check boxes


Once all these settings are done, you can go to the Dunnings/Account Statements module and create Dunnings and/or Accounting Statements.

  1. Select Create > Account Statement or Dunning. This will show a new window including customers with open invoices.

  2. Click OK to create and send the statements/dunnings for all customers as shown before via the batch function.