Air Freight
Customs (general)
NL Customs
- NL Customs Partner
- NL Customs Reporting
- NL DMS (general)
- NL DMS Export
- NL DMS Import
- NL DMS Rejections
- NL NCTS5/DVA (general)
- NL NCTS5/DVA Migration
- NL NCTS5/DVA Arrival
- NL NCTS5/DVA Departure
- NL NCTS5/DVA Rejections
- NL NCTS (general)
- NL NCTS Departure
- NL Client PD
- NL Client VWA
- NL Articles
Ocean Freight
Scope Connect
Master Data
NL Chamber of Commerce
Legacy User Manual
Scope Updates
What is the movement scope used for?
Each shipment in Scope has a Movement Scope. This indicates which part of the transport is taken care of by you.
There are four possible values:
1. Door to Door - from the shipper to the consignee
2. Door to Port - from the shipper to the (air)port of arrival
3. Port to Door -from the (air)port of arrival to the consignee
4. Port to Port - from the (air)port of arrival to the (air)port of destination
The movement scope is used in various ways. Some examples can be found below.
Jobcosting calculation
If the Movement Scope is Port to Port, automatic jobcosting calculation only considers the main carriage. If the Movement Scope contains Door, automatic jobcosting calculation will consider the relevant other sections besides the main carriage.
Booking confirmation
If the Movement Scope is Port to Port, the recipient should know the location of the goods to arrange the remaining pre- or on-carriage. For example, for a Port to Port Air Export shipment the Export Terminal will therefore by default appear on the booking confirmation.
Notice of arrival
In the Notice of Arrival for a Sea Import Full Container Load (FCL) shipment, the Import Terminal will appear if the Movement Scope ends with "Port". The recipient should know this to arrange the on-carriage from the Container Terminal.
Customer defaulting
The Movement Scope is important for Scope to default with the right Customer. See What is the purpose of the field 'Customer' on a shipment
Additional Movement Scope for ocean carrier
An ocean shipment will have an additional field Movement Scope showing the arrangements you made with the ocean carrier. It will indicate whether you expect the ocean carrier to arrange pre- and/or on-carriage.