
What are the most important dates in Scope?

This article describes the different dates in Scope and explains there purpose in detail: order date, economic date, invoice date, due date and booking date

Shipment Related

Order date

Order date of a shipment is the date, when the shipment is created and saved for the first time. This date can not be changed. You can see the date by pressing CTRL+I in the shipment entry.

Economic date

Economic date is the date, when the shipment is executed. During setup/implementation you can choose, whether the economic date should be the order date (see above) or the date of the main transport (Export = ETD/ATD, Import = ETA/ATA). For both options, you can add/edit the offset. Please contact our Riege Service team, if you want to change the default settings.

If the economic date is linked to the main transport, the economic date will be updated automatically when the corresponding date fields of the main transport are changed. By permission, a user can also change the economic date manually via the Extras menu in the shipment entry screen. However, once an invoice for this shipment is finished/printed, the economic date can not be changed automatically or manually anymore.
If you want to change it anyway, you need to cancel the invoice: https://service.riege.com/en/knowledge/how-can-i-change-the-ecomomic-date-after-issuing-an-invoice

Invoice Related

Economic date

can also be invoice related (like explained above)

Invoice date

Invoice date is the date, when an outgoing invoice/accounts receivable is finished by printing the voucher. The invoice date can not be changed in general. However, there is a permission to allow on the first 7 days of a month dating back the invoice to the last day of last month.

Due date

The due date is the date, when the invoice receiver should do the payment for this voucher latest. The date is determined by the invoice date and its setting (debtor/creditor role of the partner or general default). The due date can be printed on the accounts receivable to inform the invoice receiver when to pay the voucher.

Booking date

The booking date is the financial date of the jobcosting entry. It defaults to the economic date unless the financial booking month is already closed by accounting. Then the first day of the last open month will be used as booking date. Read more about the monthly settlement here. The booking date can be used instead of the economic date in several reports and is helpful for accounting to determine the income, cost and profit for a closed booking month as the figures won't change once closed.