
How do I change my password? What do I do if I forget my password? How do I create my own password?

Here is how to set a new password or reset a forgotten password. Also, if you are logging in for the first time ever, please follow the instructions below.

To change, set, or reset your password, launch Scope and attempt a login:

  1. The login fails, an error message is displayed: log in failed
  2. Click the Reset Password  button. 
  3. A password change web page opens. Enter your username there (your email address or the first letter of your first name, followed by a period, followed by your last name, e.g. J. Doe) and confirm by clicking the Send instructions button. Scope will then email you with a password change link to your personal e-mail address.

  4. Click on the link in the email.reset_mail_de

If you requested the password change by mistake, just ignore the email, your account will remain active with the old password. 

   5.   A new window will open. Assign your new password in this window and confirm it by    

          clicking the Change password  button. To learn about the requirements for a Scope

          password, go here: What are the requirements for a Scope password?

To prevent accidental mistyping, you must enter your new password twice.