
How can estimated costs be transferred to the accounting system?

Scope offers three methods for managing estimated costs and transmitting them to the accounting package.

The following three methods are available.

  1. Not passing the estimated costs to the accounting package
    In this situation the estimated costs are only maintained in Scope. When the user processes the accounts payable, they can record the actual costs corresponding to the estimated costs. Only the actual costs will be reflected in the accounting interface.
  2. On a monthly basis
    Each month, a specific procedure is followed that involves creating a dedicated accounts payable invoice. This invoice encompasses all outstanding estimated costs and is processed on the last day of the month. As a result, the total amount of pending estimated costs is recorded in the accounting package. On the first day of the subsequent month, this accounts payable entry is reversed, causing the estimated costs to revert to their pending status. See How monthly settlement works in Scope
  3. When invoicing a shipment
    In this scenario, while invoicing the shipment, Scope verifies if there are any estimated costs associated with it (indicated as EP). If estimated costs are present, the system prompts the user to fixate these costs. This action will fixate the estimated costs in Scope (indicated as EP(F)). These estimated costs are transmitted to the accounting package, together with the revenue transactions, ensuring an accurate profit calculation in the accounting system. When the actual accounts payable invoice is processed against the fixated estimated costs, Scope first reverses the transactions of the estimated costs (indicated as EP(C)) and then creates the transactions for the actual costs from the accounts payable (indicated as P). 
See also How does the month closing procedure work.