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How can emails from Scope be sent with a signature?
There are two ways to add a signature to your emails from Scope: Using your own systems or using Scope as the source of the signature.
The first option is to utilize your IT infrastructure.
Technically, Scope can forward the emails to your MTAs or Cloud providers (Mail Transport Agents, e.g. Mail servers like Outlook 365). Your systems can then attach the signature themselves. Information on the setup can be found here:
What are the (technically) possible ways to use email from Scope?
The second option is for Scope to send the email directly and for you to set up the signatures within Scope.
This can be done in the program Settings > Email Settings.
Signatures can be set up for a branch and/or for each user. When a user sends an email from Scope, the system checks if there is a signature available for that user. If not, Scope uses the branch signature. If that is also not available, the email from Scope will not have a signature.
It is recommended to set up at least one signature per branch. Often, this signature is sufficient, as it can be dynamically generated with parameters. You can utilize some parameters by double-clicking in the signature:
You can easily create a signature for all users in the branch, where the name and phone number of the user still appear:
Only if you have specific information for each user in the signature that Scope does not provide, you need to create a separate signature for each user.
Signatures in Scope are limited to text only. Scope does not support the sending of HTML emails, including HTML footers. When sending an email from Scope, the signature will not be displayed in the preview. However, you can view the signature and how your customer received the email on the “Email” tab of the respective record after sending the email.