
How can I import payments (open balances), and what do I need to know about the import format?

This interface allows synchronizing open balances per invoice between the accounting system and Scope.

Based on the current open balances in Scope and the reported balances in the import file, payments are identified. Invoices not contained on the open balance list will be regarded as fully paid.

Open balances based on invoices not known in Scope - created by other billing systems - will also be imported and are included in the total open balance of a debtor. Note, that the open balances of these invoices need to be reported in local currency, as Scope doesn’t know the exchange rate to convert an open amount in foreign currency into local currency.

Where to start

Go to Finance > Payments (Invoices) and click on Import in the top menu.

File Format
example csv

Picture of example CSV file for accounts receivables & payables with sign 

Supported file types

  • CSV with separator ';'

  • Excel (xls and xlsx)

Column headers are mandatory as they describe the content of the file and determine the import mode in Scope.

Different import modes exist for

  • Account receivables AND account payables

  • Account receivables only

  • Account payables only

The import mode is determined by the naming of the column holding the debtor or creditor account number:

  • Header name Account Number → import mode “Account payables & receivables”

  • Header name Customer → import mode “Account receivables”

  • Header name Vendor → import mode “Account payables”

When importing open balances, a complete list of all applicable invoices with an open balance different from zero is required. Applicable Invoices not contained in that list will be treated as paid. Applicability of invoices is determined by the import mode.

Import Modes

Account Receivables & Payables

Use one of the following formats:

Account Receivables only

Open account payables will not be marked as paid when using this import mode.

 Use one of the following formats:

Account Payables only

Open account receivables will not be marked as paid when using this import mode.

Use one of the following formats:

Open Balance Currencies

The open balance may either be reported in invoice currency or in local currency of the Scope legal entity.

In case the open balance is reported in legal entity currency, the exchange rate on invoice header level is used to convert the open balance into invoice currency. This option is only recommended to be used, if the accounting interface transfers all invoices to the accounting system in legal entity currency.

Debit Indicator

The default debit indicator to be used with column Type is “D”.

Alternative Column Names

To simplify the integration of this interface with different accounting systems, alternative column names and debit indicators may be used.

Account Number









Voucher Number




Voucher Date



Open Balance




Credit Debit Indicator

Credit/Debit Indicator



S/H Betrag

S/H Saldo



Alternative Debit Indicators

Alternative debit indicators to the default “D”:

  • “S”