
How do I use email templates in Scope?

Customize and personalize email templates

The required permission for this is Edit Email Templates and can be assigned to a user by means of a permission group.
→ Contact the administrators in your company to be added to a permission group.

→ If a permission group containing this permission is missing, contact Riege support via Scope Service Request.

Please be aware that financial templates are organized at legal entity level. To review or manage templates for a specific legal entity, ensure you are operating within a branch of that entity. You can switch to a different legal entity by clicking on your name and branch located in the bottom right corner of your Scope window. Once you are in the appropriate branch, simply use the Templates button to access the relevant templates.

How does Scope create and send emails automatically?

Scope can be configured in various applications so that an email is sent automatically. Scope can thus send your customer the quote directly, send your agent an email with the advance notice data, inform you by email about deviations in the tracking and automatically send your customer the invoice by email after successful processing.

Scope uses templates to create these emails, which you can find under Settings > Email Settings ... Templates.
On the left-hand side of the template editor, you can see which templates you have already created and can customize them and add new templates. 
Manage Email templates
Unlike usual with emails, the templates do not have an addressee, as this is determined automatically by Scope. You can configure who should appear as the sender of the email and whether it should be sent to other recipients via CC or BCC. You can also define the subject and text of the email here.

In which language does Scope send the e-mail?

Scope always tries to send the email in the language that you have maintained in Scope for the addressee's partner. If there is no template for this language, the default template is used. You should therefore consider which language is your default. You should use this language in the Subject and Default body fields.

Add the translations for the email text in the table below.

You can add another language for the subject by clicking on the small book icon on the right:

How can I customize and personalize the email?

Personalize the recipient

You can use parameters in all fields of the template to adapt your email to the intended purpose and the customer. The parameters are suggested to you with a double-click in the field. You can enter a fixed email address or use the 'userMail parameter' for the address fields. In this case, the email address of the clerk who triggered the email is always used.
It is also practical to enter the 'userMail parameter' in the BCC field. This way, the clerk receives every outgoing mail in their e-mail program as a blind copy.

Dynamize and personalize the text of your e-mail

If you double-click in the text, a variety of parameters will be suggested to you.
The parameters available depend on the type of template. The parameters contain information on the person responsible, references and relevant data on the data record.

In the case of an invoice, for example, these are the invoice number, sender and recipient references and the amount. For a pre-alert, on the other hand, a wide range of consignment information is available.