How do I create a DP World Manifest for Jebel Ali or Dubai?

The DP World manifest is a CSV document that must be uploaded to the DPWORLD application prior to a vessel's arrival/departure at Jebel Ali (AEJEA) or Dubai Port (AEDXB).


For the setup, there is only the requirement to have an EDI profile with the name DPWORLD.
The function EDI profile is started via > Master data > EDI Profile

In the EDI Profile, a translation is created between the Code of an item in Scope to the supported codes of DP World. 

For the following list, a mapping (translation) is required:

Scope Value Mapping Tab
Shipping Line SCAC value Ocean Carriers
Arrival Shipping line Agent Partners 
Branch Partner creating the manifest Partners

Consignee's for shipment where the 

final destination is United Arab Emirates

Packaging Codes Packaging code 
Only codes as per appendix 1
are accepted


Mapping List in Scopedpworld mapping2


Sailing Schedule

For the correct result of a DPWORLD Manifest it is important that for each vessel for which a DPWORLD manifest is required a vessel entry is created, as described below, and that the shipments that are onboard the vessel have been linked to the sailing schedule.

Create a new Sailing Schedule 

To create a new sailing schedule start the function from > Master Data > Sea Freight > Sailing Schedule and use the option New, and enter the details are required. 

Field Explanation Mapping Required
Ocean Carrier The SCAC code for the ocean carrier (Haken) 
Liner Agent The Agent responsible for handling the shipment ( at arrival) (Haken)
Carrier Voyage Number The voyage number as assigned by the carrier  
Rotation number Vessel Rotation number as assigned by DP World  
SIS Number  Optional identification number of the vessel  
Vessel The Name of the vessel  
IMO Number Optional identification number of the vessel  
Departures All Departure ports from this  Voyage where shipments are originating from  
Destinations All Destinations, however for DP World Manifest it should require it to be AEJEA  

Edited destination and container terminal


Back on the shipment:

  1. Right click in the Voyage/Vessel Rate field or click the drop-down menu button.
  2. From the context menu, chose Sailing schedule.
  3. Select the schedule you created earlier.

Shipment fields required for DP Manifest 

below list with the shipments which needs to be populated, else the manifest can not be generated. 

Ocean Bill of Lading number Must be populated 
Liner Agent Handling vessel May be defaulted from Sailing Schedule
Country of Origin Country of Origin field in general tab
Packages Code  Translation in the EDI profile must be present 
Container Tare weight Weight of the container, can de defaulted from equipment
Packages Gross weight Gross weight of the goods
Volume  Volume of the Goods
HS Code HS code of the goods lines must be populated. 
Terminal Registrator Entry For Inbounds the Manifest Registration number as assigned by DP World
Can be registered on the terminal Entry of the containers
as per below screenshot. 

terminal entry details

Generate the File 

The DP World file is generated from within the Sailing Schedule of the required Vessel/ Voyage combination. Click on the action link to create the file.
create_DP_manifest LINK

After using the link, an additional box for remarks is represented. 


Next the data will be validated and missing data will be reported in a dialog. 
This must first be corrected before the file is generated. 

dpmanifest_validation errors

When no more validations errors are found, the CSV file is created and opened in Excel. 
It can be saved and uploaded to DP World.


Appendix 1)
DP World accepted packaging codes 

DPWM_Package codes

Appendix 2 )
DP World CSV Specification 

DPWORLD_manifest_file_format (PDF)