
Changelog Scope Version 24.4

With your help, we are improving Scope every day. These are the newest improvements and added functions.


star_green  = New feature
star_yellow  = Enhancement
star_red  = Bug fix

Scope Runtime





Upgrade to Java 17.8.0

Scope runtime for MS Windows Server does not update itself automatically. Updates must be performed manually by a system administrator.






General/User interface

Add actions to SelectAll/UnselectAll entries in the tables in

  • Air Export Finish Dialog (Prealert, documents, invoices)

  • Air Export Booking confirmation (Charges)

  • Transport Order Editor (Customs Orders)

  • Sea Export Booking confirmation (Container & Charges)

  • Table column selection

  • Handling Warehouse Slip


Denied Party Screening

New appliance Denied Party Screening: Shows compliance events for “Denied party screening”. Located just below Menu Master Data > Denied party screening Events.

Document Tab

Document tab: Add option to filter out documents using a “-” (=minus sign) as prefix to a search token. This also works with multiple token combined, e.g. document search for “-emission pdf” shows only PDF not containing “emission” in title or filename.

Booking Consol

Fix documents of bookings not displayed immediately after a booking consolidation


CO₂/CarbonCare: Recalculation for previous calendar year only until the middle of the current year because EN-based 2023 API will become unsupported by CarbonCare


Master Data

RUC Identification in partner maintenance for Ecuador


Air Security

Fix wording & remove double negation (eng) for EU security confirmation dialog


CO₂/CarbonCare: Fix a problem with recalculating of former calculated footprints (without a business license) after adding a business license.
 star_yellow General/User interface Improve visibility of addresses in various (not limited to airfreight) home views: Added new columns for shipper/consignee/orderer name or code where missing. Fixing of sort by name.
 star_yellow Air Export

Overhaul IATA E-Freight Pouch Labels and print in label-printer and PDF formats

 star_yellow General Enhanced text-block placeholders
 star_yellow Air Security Air Security: Enable option to revoke security status of a master shipment
star_yellow User interface/Air Security Various user interface improvements for RA/KC check and RA/KC history dialog
star_yellow Air Export/Import Do not overwrite Place of Receipt and Place of Delivery with default when consignee is changed and the fields got manually changed previously
star_yellow Document Tab Incoming email: Hide logos and small images by default for an improved focus on mail content
star_yellow General/User interface Master Data > Forwarding > Selling Products: Fix modules column not showing the selected modules but other data

General/User interface

Menu > Master Data > Forwarding > Tracking Templates: Clarify wording for order tracking applicability, now ‘priority’, formerly ‘weight’



Fix contact details not being conserved when interface one time address gets linked with Scope partner


General/User interface

Sales Products: Fix Modules Column


Air Security

Fix security status synchronization amongst sub-house and sub-master


Air Security

Fix unavailability of the RA/KC service of the European Union leading to unexpected invalidation of partners in Scope as a result of RA/KC batch checks. The EU access/token service sometimes has hick up problems.


General/User interface

Improve table header for order tracking applicability filter


General/User interface

Improve Add partner role dialog: allow searching over possible roles


Document Tab

Documents Tab: For renaming file, initially don't select extension


General/User interface

Enhance Boilerplate placeholders: add Web Tracking URL



CO₂/CarbonCare: Fix failed CarbonCare emission PDF download under some circumstances



Removed the unnecessary dialog in partner link action (CTRL-P) asking for EDI-Profile mapping store despite already checked.


Transport Order

Tour Dispo: Fixed broken sum calculation of insurance value for mixed currencies


Air Security

Screening Orders - Enhance and sync dialog on Master level to the one for houses

Email for the mass security order enabled. Uses the same email template as for the single (house) order. The email template may use some shipment related fields which do not get filled in this case; is attached to the master (submaster) from where the mass order is started; contains single PDF for each house.

The screening order editor now offers a 'contact info' context action to more easily select a contact from the supplier for email sending.

The editor for the mass order is now the same as for the single order, except that shipment related fields are removed.

Printed security orders now show up on the master, description including the HAWB number for which the order was created (to be able to filter documents)


Flight Schedule

Fix 2nd flights visibility broken in flight schedule search view if any transit port used



ScopeEvent search is now case-insensitive


Air Export

Missing customs field in Air Export for Transit point being in the EU


Document Tab

Documents Tab add showing the filename






Ocean Carrier EDI

Enables the inclusion of individual adjusted contacts (name, function, e-mail address, phone number) for carrier haulage bookings from door or to door sent to ocean carriers – either from existing partners or from one-time-addresses


CMR Editor

The CMR editor now allows to select a “detailed” print of the goods (on the CMR or Manifest) besides the already available (non-detailed) print of the goods (on the CMR or Manifest). In case of the “detailed” print, the marks and numbers in the CMR are filled with the marks and numbers of the relating goods entry of the shipment.


Addresses in Homeview

Display/Non-Display of address codes in home view


Container Monitor

Displayed by default for all customers instead of individually by option


Shipment Overview

Introduce LCL/FCL Filter on Export/Import shipment home screen



Validation of Discharge Country when Type of Entry is “Stay on Board”


Global Sailing Schedule

Carrier Service Code has been made available for review in a global sailing schedule query



Prealert message does now support the carrier booking number (outgoing and incoming)


Container Monitor

Gate in Milestone visible as additional selective option in table view



Valid characters for VGM responsible person


BHT Order

In case the dangerous goods entry of a shipment has a defined gross weight, this gross weight is now defaulted to the dangerous goods entry of new BHT Orders.


BHT Order

BHT Order > AES customs (general goods tab): enabled a dropdown list to select the MRN No.


Container Monitor

Allow to search be container number with and without space between prefix and numeric part


Container Monitor

Removed the redundant event “gate-in import” which is already reflected by “container discharged” within the default tracking plan templates


Sailing Schedule

Set the “Global” sailing list as default instead of “n/a”


Main Shipment overview

Display “DGR” with the teaser in a simple shipment if it contains dangerous goods


Main Shipment overview

Display “DGR” with the teaser in a ocean shipment if it contains dangerous goods


Main Shipment overview

Allow to filter by vessel & show eco date as column in sea appliances


Volume calculator

Revert chargeable weight change


Tradetech AMS

IMO number will be defaulted from global vessel schedule


Carrier Booking

Ensures the correct POL/POD used in shipping instructions derived from processed booking confirmation data


Document Tab

new Function “select kind of document” enabled: search field instead of drop-down



The default validator has been fixed concerning the validation of dates/times. In case a time is too far in the future, either an error (if year is bigger than 9999) or a warning (if year is more than 75 years in the future) is shown - not both anymore.


Portbase Events

When receiving portbase (or sea carrier EDI events), which update the main transport of an import master shipment, the ‘lucene’ index of consolidated house shipments of this master is updated too, so that the sea import appliance shows the latest information for the houses too (in the preview).


Air / Sea Shipments

When opening an existing shipment (air or sea), which had no assigned order tracking plan, users who had no permission to initialise a tracking plan got an exception and were not able to see or edit the shipment. This bug has been fixed. The change has also been backported to Scope 24.2


Sailing Schedule

When opening a sailing schedule, where the list of departures or arrivals of that schedule contains ‘null’ value elements, the opening method now automatically removes such entries, so that no exception is thrown anymore.


Transport Order

The display of the transport order editor has been corrected for transport orders on shipments, which contain customs references. The change has been backport to 24.2.


Shipment Numbering

Fixed the displayed name for Sub-house Shipments


Main Shipment View

Fixed a display error that shipment data row gap was extended


Ocean Carrier EDI

OI Event for empty pickup and return will populate the correct location


Email Templates

Add missing translations to email template property files


Goods Tab: dangerous goods

remove redundant space in print parameter

Customs DE




 star_yellow AES Unterlagen, die via SCI innerhalb einer E_EXP_DAT übermittelt wurden und die gleiche DocNo, aber eine unterschiedliche DocLine enthielten, wurden trotzdem verdichtet/zusammengefasst.
Dies wurde verbessert und jedes Dokument bekommt eine eigene Line.
 star_yellow Einfuhr In AES ist es möglich über eine Aktion im Homeview den Vorgang als gelesen zu markieren, ohne jede Nachricht angesehen zu haben. Diese Funktion wurde nun auch in Einfuhr und NCTS übernommen. Über einen rechten Mausklick kann man die Funktion „als gelesen markieren“ auswählen.  


In die Atlas Einfuhr Statistik wurden bisher nur NCTS MRN als Vorpapier geschrieben. Dies wurde nun angepasst, sodass nun alle BE-Anteile, SumA AV und Zolllager Vorpapiernummern angezeigt (Maximal 10 Stück). Diese werden in einer Zeile dargestellt, ohne Positionszuweisung. 

 star_yellow AES Die Nachrichtenboxen wurden in allen Verfahren harmonisiert. So wird ein Fehler nun auch direkt als Link in der Einfuhr angezeigt und muss nicht mehr zwingend mit der rechten Maustaste und Auswahl „Antwortnachricht anzeigen“ ausgewählt werden. 


Wird ein AES-Vorgang in einen NCTS-Vorgang übernommen, so wird nun der Statistische Wert als Warenwert auf Positionsebene des NCTS- Verfahrens gezogen.


In ATLAS 10.1 wird die Bezugsnummer durch die neue LRN ersetzt. Die Länge wurde auf 22 Zeichen reduziert. Lediglich in der SumA bleibt diese bei 35 Zeichen.
 star_yellow Einfuhr

Wurden in der Einfuhr Positionen über den Positionsimport gezogen und in den Stammdaten wurde z. B. eine automatische Berechnung der Versicherung definiert, so wurde diese nicht mit übernommen. Dies wurde behoben. Wenn die importierten Positionen von Scope kumuliert werden, wird die Versicherungsberechnung neu angestoßen und nicht aus den einzelnen Positionen kumuliert.

 star_yellow Einfuhr

Die Zahlungsarten wurden für Atlas 10.1 angepasst und die Unterlage 9DFB darf nicht mehr angemeldet werden. Eine entsprechende Warn-Validierung wurde eingebaut.

 star_yellow Einfuhr/NEE

ATLAS 10.1: NEE, hier wurde das Feld E-Mail angepasst, sodass die volle DE-Mail sichtbar wird in der Anzeige.

 star_yellow NCTS

Die Verschlüsse werden nun auch in der View in der Entladeerlaubnis mit angezeigt, sofern Verschlüsse vom Zoll mit übermittelt wurden.



Wurde aus einer Sendung light eine Einfuhr auf Basis Landfracht angelegt, so wurde als Beförderungsmittel an der Grenze immer Code 33 gezogen. Da es diesen Code seit AES 3.0 nicht mehr gibt, wurde dieser auf den korrekten Code 30 korrigiert.


Wenn ein NCTS vom Zoll storniert wurde, wurde der Bestand im Zollllager nicht wieder gutgeschrieben. Dies wurde korrigiert und Bestände werden wieder freigegeben. 
 star_red SumA In der ATLAS SumA Positionsliste wurde die Spalte „Registriernummer WN“ nicht gefüllt, wenn die ATB-Nummer durch einen NCTS-Vorgang erledigt wurde. Dies wurde behoben.


Beim Verdichten von Positionen in AES wurden die „Sonstigen Verweise“ gedoppelt. Dies wurde behoben, sodass „Sonstige Verweise“ ebenfalls nur einmal aufgeführt sind. 


Die Sicherheitsleistung wurde nicht immer korrekt ermittelt, wenn diese aus den Positionen automatisch berechnet werden sollte. Dies war immer der Fall, wenn ein NCTS-Vorgang aus AES gestartet wurde, oder wenn die Positionen aus einem AES-Vorgang generiert wurden.

ATLAS allgemein

Es wurden nicht immer alle EU-Codes in  der Einfuhr angezeigt, da die entsprechende Codeliste falsch ausgelesen wurde. Dies wurde behoben, sodass Codes ohne eigene Beschreibung nun einfach ihren Wert als Beschreibung haben.






AP Imports

Payables can now be imported via drag & drop on the accounts payable imports overview.


Accounts Receivable

The invoicee’s tax ID is now mandatory for outgoing invoices in Hungary.



The external invoice number is shown in the payment editor for account payables.


Transport Order Overview

The ‘Shipment Clerk’ is available as an optional column in the detailed report.


Rate Imports

The ocean freight rate import allows to import tariffs with an agent.


Credit Limit

The credit limit information dialog can be accessed in more places like the preview on the partner home view or in the customs order editor for ATLAS Einfuhr declarations.



The calculation of the days overdue value in the detailed payment report is now in sync with the payment overview.


Rate Imports

Wrong or misleading warnings regarding a missing calculation-basis or rate in the ocean freight rate import have been rephrased.


Statements /Dunnings

The totals per currency are now formatted according to the locale of the statement/dunning.


AP Imports

The import of note elements on header level has been corrected.


Credit Limit Check

Multiple bug fixes, improvements and new workflows have been implemented for the enhanced credit limit check introduced with Scope release 24.0.



MX only: The cancellation status returned by a invoice status checked has been fixed.



MX only: The SAT code is now mandatory on the charge type profile ‘Mexican Invoicing’.


E-Invoice generation

RO only: Multiple bug fixes and improvements have been implemented for the UBL generation in the Romanian flavor ‘UBL CIUS-RO 1.0’.



The timezone of the report creation time has been fixed for all reports in Finance > Reporting.