
Detailed Release Notes for Scope 24.4

Explore the new features and find out how changes in Scope make your every day experience better.

Air Freight

Overhaul IATA E-Freight Pouch Labels and print in label-printer and PDF formats

  • Scope now always prints both, label and PDF

  • The former E-Freight Pouch PDF form was designed like an Air Waybill, which is not conform to IATA Recommended Practice 1600u. The default form PDF got changed to the IATA RP 1600u.

  • For forwarders who like to continue generating an “AWB like” PDF, we recommend ensuring the “E-Freight Shipper Delivery Note” is enabled as default document for EAP/EAW. Print settings can be configured via Settings > Airfreight > AWB Print Configuration.

  • All fields which had been available for the former PDF (which was like the Air Waybill) are now available for the E-Freight Pouch label as well. This allows a wider range for individual adoption of custom E-Freight Pouch label forms.

Print… > Custom Print (from AWB > Draft&Printout button) shows the default setting from AWB Print Configuration and allows customizing a PDF generation for an air export shipment.

Enhance text-block placeholders, added

  • shipperReference = The shipper's reference

  • consigneeReference = The shipper's reference

  • masterTransportnumber = Master Transport document number (aka MAWB/MBL/OBL)

  • departure = Origin (port of departure) of the shipment (aka place of receipt for ocean)

  • destination = Destination of the shipment (aka place of delivery for ocean)

  • std = Scheduled time of departure

  • etd = Estimated time of departure

  • atd = Actual time of departure

  • sta = Scheduled time of arrival

  • eta = Estimated time of arrival

  • ata = Actual time of arrival

  • pieces = Total number of pieces

  • packageType = Package Type

  • grossWeight = Total gross weight

  • volume = Total volume

  • mainTransportDeparture = Origin (port of departure) of the shipment's main transport (aka port of loading for ocean)

  • mainTransportDestination = Destination (port) of the shipment's main transport (aka port of discharge for ocean)

  • vessel = The vessel(s) of an ocean shipment

  • carrierName = The carrier's name

  • carrierCode = The carrier's code (SCAC code for ocean, IATA code for air)

  • natureOfGoods = Nature of goods

  • chargeableWeight = Total chargeable weight

  • container = Container number(s) (Ocean only)

  • insuranceAmount = Insurance amount

Various user interface improvements for RA/KC check and RA/KC history dialog

  • Add error validation to search result table if no result selected

  • add “match %” field as default into the search result table

  • add postcode as new optional field to the search result table

  • fix color indication for match %

  • add warning whenever match % is below 80% saying “Are you sure that you want to validate and confirm this partner with the displayed result from the EU database?”

  • add a warning also when the displayed address' Zip code doesn't match with the EU database result (same warning as above)

  • change the “OK” button to “Confirm address as validated”

  • “Search via Address” pop up window only displays these fields (Name, Country) that are actually used for the search against EU database to make it clearer which fields are checked against and have those editable

Ocean Freight

BHT Order > AES customs (general goods tab): enabled a dropdown list to select the MRN No.

Scope offers a dropdown menu to select from the already entered MRN numbers list (House shipments)
ocean_bht order_aes data_mrn-selection_EN

Ocean Carrier EDI

Enables the inclusion of individual adjusted contacts (name, function, e-mail address, phone number) for carrier haulage bookings from door or to door sent to ocean carriers – either from existing partners or from one-time-addresses.

Global Sailing Schedule

Set the “Global” sailing list as default instead of “n/a” (1). Carrier Service Code has been made available for review in a global sailing schedule query (2)



IMO number will be defaulted from global vessel schedule.
ocean_vessel IMO defaulted from schedule_EN

Document tab

On the new function “select kind of document” now a search field instead of drop-down is show. Drag-and-drop a document in documents tab and then enter a search query or double-click in the search field.
ocean_dropped document_kind_search_EN

Customs (DE)

Harmonization in Dashboards: Show Error Message

When the customs system responds with an error, Scope displays a red cross in the dashboard and in the message flow box. Inside the box, there is now (same as in AES) a link to directly open the error message. No right-click needed any more

This harmonizes the behavior across all customs modules.


AP Imports: Payables (CSV, Excel, XML) can now be imported via drag & drop on the accounts payable overview.


Go here for the complete changelog of version 24.4