Notas de la versión 24.6 de Scope

Con tu ayuda, estamos mejorando Scope cada día. Estas son las últimas mejoras y funciones añadidas.


star_green  = New feature
star_yellow  = Enhancement
star_red  = Bug fix

Scope Runtime





Upgrade to Java 17.8.1

Scope runtime for MS Windows Server does not update itself automatically. Updates must be performed manually by a system administrator.





 star_green UX/UI Improvement Introduce new tracking plan icons, harmonize visuability with selected font size
 star_green Transport Order Allow splitting of packages of a shipment when a Transport Order is created.
 star_green Interface/EDI Adding a new interface Scope Shipment Status Interface which sends shipment data including milestone information when a shipment or it's tracking plan changes. The interface is designed to send data to configured parties which might be involved in a shipment as customer, shipper, consignee or notify.

Air Export

Waybill dialog with PDF preview access in read-only mode. For users without the permission to modify/create the Waybill, the waybill dialog of air export shipments is now accessible in read-only mode.
 star_yellow Air Security Improved Master-to-House Air Security dialog: Added a feature to multiple-select houses on an air export consol master and create security orders for all the selected house shipments via right click. Security orders will be created on every selected house and all generated PDF can be attached and send with one email to the security supplier.
 star_yellow Forwarding The nearest UNLocode of a partner in role Forwarding Customer is no longer used as a default for shipment origin/departure. Defaults as fallback, if users want to have deviating airports as default, they can use the routing in the forwarding customer.
 star_yellow Air Security Improved visible feedback to the user if air security status can't be determined at all in cases when the forwarders branch office is not a registered agent or the registration timed out.
 star_yellow UX/UI Improvement Changed wording for RA/KC check history dialog columns: Use “Validated by” instead of “Creator” and “Validated at” instead of “Local Time”
 star_yellow UX/UI Improvement Tracking template applicability filter configuration: Order attributes sorted alphabetically with prioritization on search text left-matching
 star_yellow UX/UI Improvement Show reason why converting a validation-error-free booking is not possible instead of an only disabling the convert-action
 star_yellow Air Security Airfreight Security History access in read-only mode. For users without the permission to modify airfreight security of shipments, the security history of shipments is now accessible in read-only mode.
 star_yellow Denied Party Screening Added new event for vendor compliance list updates. When Denied Party Screening is active, Scope already noticed a change of the AEB compliance lists. Scope now also creates an event and the new LIST_UPDATE events are added to the visibility functionality at Master Data > Denied party screening Events.
 star_yellow UX/UI Improvement Document type entry field (e. g. for manual document upload): Sorted values alphabetically with prioritization on search text left-matching
 star_yellow UX/UI Improvement Package editor: Replace DGR label “CargoIMP-Code” with “IATA DG Code”
 star_red Air Security Improved similarity match score quality of address with EU KSDA query results
 star_red UX/UI Improvement Changed wording for AWB execution place to issuing place
 star_red UX/UI Improvement Fix table column headers in message history in milestone details






Ocean Carrier EDI

Open Container Level Tracking incoming Event interface


Ocean Carrier EDI

Set the VGM user signature


Dakosy IMP

When receiving an IMP status message with code “930” (“Vorzeitige SumA”), the ATB number(s) contained in the message are shown in the Dakosy Appliance and when opening the relating IMP Verfügung (in the title line of the editor).



Display Container Number on House Shipment


Transport Order

Allow secondary addresses of a partner for positioning in transport order before/after the main positioning

 star_yellow Sea Export/ Validation In sea export shipments (types Single, Single FCL and Master) a new validation warning message is displayed, in case the entered OBL number of the shipment already appears in another shipment/master of the same branch.
(This validation already exists in Ocean Import.)
 star_yellow Ocean Removed space between container prefix and number
 star_yellow Dakosy IMP Events

The evaluation of Dakosy IMP status messages (with status codes 710, 910, 911, 912, 913 and 954) has been improved. These status messages (types) are linked to relating generic FCL event types (to simplify order tracking plan setup) and the attributes have been harmonized (to match the generic FCL event attributes).

Besides that, they are also used to update data in the relating import shipment (e.g. ETA, ATA or Gate-In, Gate-Out per Container).

 star_yellow Documents Document Upload Type as SearchField
 star_yellow Documents New Function Key F3 to change kind of document
 star_yellow UNLOCode Service Reduce data for UNLOcodes
 star_yellow Ocean Carrier EDI Shipping Instructions - AMS self filer as default (own SCAC)
 star_yellow BHT Default Booking References from Shipment on order 125
 star_yellow Ocean Carrier EDI: LCL Bookings When transmitting LCL Bookings via our Inttra CC to the Carrier, the email address containing the rootMessageID is transmitted as additional email address of the information contact.
 star_yellow Documents Unification of spelling for bill of lading in documents 
 star_yellow Ocean FCL in column header of shipment overview is shown completely 
 star_yellow Ocean Carrier EDI Booking amendment configuration
 star_yellow LCL Booking When transmitting an LCL Booking via INTTRA to the Carrier, the information contact (IC) in the Edifact Message (IFTMBF) is now also holding the email address of the clearing center (including the root message id).
 star_yellow Ocean Carrier Events The conversion of inbound events for a set of existing carrier event types, which represent ‘estimated’ event types, into rsixml2 events has been enhanced to now also hold an additional date/time attribute “etd” or “eta” in the generated rsixml2 event.
 star_yellow Sea Import Date validation for ATS
 star_yellow Simple Shipment Road Take over the pre-defined road carrier into the transport order
star_yellow Sea Import  Add Shipper & Consignee Reference to consolidated house entry 
star_yellow Ocean  Renaming of requested PUP/DLV Time to Date 
star_yellow Sailing Schedule Add «transit time» to the sailing schedule and ability to sort the list of sailings
star_yellow Sailing Schedule Forward Total Duration & Transit Duration received from data providers to Scope
star_yellow Sailing Schedule Increase Number of Weeks added to ETD to cover the full available range received from data providers
 star_yellow Email Templates A new parameter “s.mainTransportSummary” is available in the email templates for the shipment monitor. With this parameter, a summary of the main transport of the relating shipment can be inserted in a fix layout into the email.
 star_yellow Ocean Carrier EDI When transmitting events from the past: only the most recent event per container and event-type will be transmitted
 star_yellow Simple Shipments Multiple simple shipment templates can be selected and deleted in one go
star_yellow Container Transport Order

Additionally to the existing Delivery Party, Chassis Location and Customs Clearance, three new address types have been added:

  • Weight Station

  • (De)Fumigation location

  • Documentation address

 star_red Transport Order Positioning Times Update on address switch
 star_red Sea Export Fixed Display of Main Transport (if Booking is present)
 star_red Dakosy Improved MRN validation
 star_red Booking/Simple Shipment When printing the transport order for a simple shipment ‘Road’, which was created from a ‘Road’ booking, the transmission of an EDI message to the WINK CC is triggered, in case the originally selected road carrier allows EDI messages.
 star_red Inbound XML Prealert The Edibooking CC (Live & Dev) has been updated with a fix concerning the converted qualifiers for incoming prealerts. Some qualifier tags contained a space in front (or after) the qualifier - this issue has been fixed.
 star_red Dakosy Message Processing The processor to link Dakosy messages has been corrected to prevent potentially endless creation of new linking jobs for the same processor.
star_red Road Carrier Fixed behavior of Properties in Road Carrier Role
star_red Ocean Container monitor  Container Monitor: Missing Resource Translation & Filter Field
star_red Event Processing When processing incoming carrier events sometimes an exception was thrown, when user remained in an open shipment and converted this into a House FCL after which the event process was continued (only happened at BKM). This bug is fixed now.
 star_red Sea Import When printing documents for a sea import house, which is consolidated onto a master, always the current value of the import warehouse (shed) address of the master is available for printout.
star_red Sea Import Superhouse When transmitting a superhouse prealert from export to import (internally = same server), the documents of the consolidated export houses are visible on the import house created from the superhouse-prealert. 
star_red Transport Order Fix the default for the details handling when printing the CMR

Customs DE




 star_yellow ATLAS - NCTS

Wird der Verwaltungs- oder Zugriffscode für die NCTS Sicherheit per Nachricht geändert und wird dies vom Zoll erfolgreich quittiert, so werden auch die Stammdaten im Geschäftspartner angepasst.

Die Sicherheit muss dann bei kopierten Vorgängen einmal manuell gelöscht und wieder eingefügt werden, damit die Codes korrekt übernommen werden. Alternativ kann auch bei neuen Vorgängen nur der Code im Antrag überschrieben werden.

 star_yellow ATLAS - Zolllager und AV Mit Atlas 10.1 werden die MRN auch bei Einfuhrverfahren eingeführt. Es wird sowohl die MRN als auch die AT-Nr. in den Bestand übernommen und angezeigt. Es kann nach beiden Nummern gesucht werden. Lediglich die MRN hat den Aktionslink, um zum Vorgang zu kommen. Die AT-Nr. hat diesen nicht, außer zum Vorgang gibt es keine MRN, sondern nur eine AT-Nr.
 star_yellow ATLAS - NCTS Verschluss-verwaltung Wird in einem Vorgang ein Tyden-Seal verwendet, und der Vorgang wird für ungültig (Rückweisung)  erklärt, so wird beim Kopieren des Vorgangs der Tyden-Seal wieder freigegeben und in dem neuen kopierten Vorgang verwendet und in die Verschlussverwaltung geschrieben. 
Wird ein bestehender Vorgang oder ein Vorgang mit dem Status Fehler kopiert, so wird der Tyden-Seal nicht mit übernommen. 
 star_yellow ATLAS NCTS Statistik

Es werden drei neue Felder in der NCTS Statistik ausgegeben, um auch die genaue Uhrzeit mit ausgegeben zu bekommen.


 star_red Geschäftspartner - Rolle ATLAS Teilnehmer

Wenn in einem Geschäftspartner in der Rolle ATLAS-Teilnehmer oben die Checkbox „Adresse aus Geschäftspartner benutzen“ aktiv ist und eine EORI erfasst ist, ändert Scope beim Speichern des Datensatzes die Identifikationsart auf 4- TCUI Nummer.
Wählt man die Checkbox ab, bleibt die Identifikationsart auf 2 - EORI. Dies wurde wieder korrigiert.





 star_yellow Credit Limit Checks Users, who are part of the accounting department, but not part of an operations department, usually do not have access to the respective shipment modules. However, they might be responsible for granting waivers for shipment blocks. They are now able to do so using the read-only shipment editor from the shipment overview.
 star_yellow Accounts Receivables

In some countries, like Mexico or Romania, accounts receivables must be registered with local tax authorities. Additional invoice statuses have been introduced:

  • Finish pending - whilst waiting for an answer from the authorities

  • Finish rejected - when the invoice has been rejected by the authorities

  • The accounts receivable overview offers pre-defined filters to show invoices in these statuses.

The workflow in Scope changes in those exceptional cases when an invoice is rejected by the local authorities:

  • The clerk who printed an invoice is notified via a persistent notification in Scope, that the invoice is rejected by local authorities

  • Rejected invoices can be re-opened in Scope, corrected and sent again using the same invoice number

  • Scope offers an API for external parties to mark an invoice registered with local tax authorities as accepted or rejected. It is also possible to mark manually.

 star_yellow Accounts Receivables

The logic to determine the applicable legal entity bank account for an accounts receivable has been improved. Such bank accounts may be shown on invoice printouts or used for the export of e-invoices with payment method ‘Transfer’.

Scope uses the first bank account matching to the invoice currency from the configurations in the following order:

  1. Bank account defined on the debtor partner profile

  2. Default bank account configured in the accounting settings

  3. Bank accounts in the order as defined on the bank accounts configuration dialog

 star_yellow Estimates The booking date has been added as a new optional column to the estimates overview.
 star_yellow AP Import The clerk who imported an accounts payable can now be shown on AP import overview as an optional column
 star_yellow Accounting Settings

It is now possible to configure default payment types for new debtor and creditor profiles in the accounting settings.

Please contact the Riege service team to configure a default payment type different to Transfer.

 star_yellow Partner Overview A new advanced filter “Partner Identification Number set” has been added to the partner overview to filter out partners that don’t have a partner identification number.
star_yellow Shipment Editors It is now possible to change HAWB and HBL numbers on shipments with finalized invoices.
star_yellow Rate Imports The ocean freight and courier tariff rate imports now support the import of the rate sheet presentation property in a tariff.
star_red Quotations The action “Convert rates to quotation currency” on the calculation tab in the quotation editor now also converts fixed amounts.
 star_red Payment Import Scope displayed a wrong open amount on an invoice, if the payment file contained an open entry for the finalization and an open entry for the cancellation of the invoice. This has been fixed.
 star_red Open Balance Import An issue with English file content in Exact Globe CSV open balance import files has been fixed.
 star_red Address Interface Partners that are deactivated in Scope can now be updated via the partner address interface. But remain deactivated unless stated otherwise in the interface
 star_red E-Invoicing Romanian ZIP codes must have six digits for partners with a debtor partner profile on both the general and the invoice address, if the Romanian UBL e-invoice format has been enabled.
 star_red General Ledger Filter/Tax Keys Customers and vendors on the Spanish Canaries are not categorized as customer type ‘EU’ in general ledger and tax key filters any more because they are not part of the EU VAT territory. They are now categorized as type ‘Third country’.