Con tu ayuda, estamos mejorando Scope cada día. Estas son las últimas mejoras y funciones añadidas.
= New feature
= Enhancement
= Bug fix
Type |
Area |
Description/Note |
Upgrade to Java 17.10.0 |
Scope runtime for MS Windows Server does not update itself automatically. Updates must be performed manually by a system administrator. |
Type |
Area |
Description |
Scope Main Menu |
Scope main menu entry ‘Logs’ (introduced in 24.8) renamed to ‘Monitoring’ and broadened by moving menu entries ‘Scope Jobs’, ‘Sessions’, ‘Lock’ from main menu ‘Settings’ to ‘Monitoring’ |
Type |
Area |
Description |
Regulatory Adjustment | Email address, customer account number and Shipper Account Establishment Date for AWB/HAWB to satisfy U.S. Border Protection ACAS demands for Air Imports to the USA. Also backported to Scope 24.8.35. See for details |
Regulatory Adjustment | Additional new fields for U.S. ACAS, Air Imports to the USA. See for details. |
Regulatory Adjustment | Updated the U.S.A. MAWB Acceptance Statement with new (as per October 2024) U.S.A. Established Business Relationship Statement |
Air Security | Allow RA number for Secure Shipper delivery addresses additionally to the existing KC number option |
Airline Messaging | Include MRN/GDRN numbers in eAWB/eHouse (FWB/FHL messages) as a requirement for Switzerland as per December 1st, 2024 |
Air Export | New option to print FIATA FCR document in airfreight in the print menu of the shipment | |
Green Pixels / CO₂ Emissions | Enhance calculation of CO2 values regarding new flight details in the quotation module | |
Interface | Prepare for upcoming IATA TACT Tariff data file changes which are subject to be introduced by IATA for 2025 | |
Air Freight Booking Portal | Implementation of new feature Air Freight Booking Portal integration via CargoAI. See |
Performance |
Improve performance when a house shipment is added to an existing master which contains already a lot of other houses |
Interface |
FedEx API interface implementation is available for address validation and shipment creation. Riege provides a migration path for customers coming from FedEx Web Services. |
UX/UI Improvement |
Add 'temperature' column to air import overview (and cosmetic fix on DGR + GDP column headers) |
UX/UI Improvement |
Add “Economic data” as available column to Air Export and Air Import home table views |
Performance |
Performance boost for partner export |
Order Tracking |
Order tracking applicability filters for Cost Centers now show branch code. This allows users to distinguish entries which exist in different branches but are equally named |
Green Pixels / CO₂ Emissions |
Supporting Carbon Care switch off CO2 calculation via old EN standard rather current ISO norm. This especially effects recalculation of old shipments, which is no longer possible to not mix different methods during the same statistic year |
Air Security |
Overhaul of RA/KC search dialog: Addresses of partner and search result easier to be compared and allowing easier change of search parameters |
UX/UI Improvement |
UI improvement for cases when only airline code was known and could not be determined uniquely due to ambiguity of code LH |
Air Export |
For consol shipments, the AWB edit/finish action now shows an error dialog if applicable instead of disabling the action with hints. |
UX/UI Improvement |
Document tab: Sync upload dialog with drag-and-drop option: allowing multiple files and setting of web-visibility for both |
Air Export |
Always use an English watermark for AWB “DRAFT” PDFs because these PDFs are usually used internationally |
Green Pixels / CO₂ Emissions |
Carbon footprint calculation action now automatically saves shipment when executed. Formerly, it was possible to have shipment data and carbon footprint becoming out of sync |
Green Pixels / CO₂ Emissions |
Fix calculation of Pre-carriage ‘Rail’ legs as ‘Truck’ legs |
Air Security |
Fix for option to invalidate all RA/KC not working as intended. |
Air Security |
With the manual security status confirmation, it was not possible to confirm an unsecure state of a consol shipment |
Type |
Area |
Description |
Ocean B/L | New custom master B/L agent address in partner role agent introduced, with the option to reset to default address within the shipping instructions editor window |
Transportorder | Introduced new document type “Confirmation of Arrival” / “Gelangensbestätigung” which can now be printed on simple shipments and transport orders. Currently only available in german language | |
Document Handling |
We have introduced more document types to be selected when uploading external documents into the shipment or into the partner |
AMS + Tracking |
Outbound Manifest Filing via Trade-Tech creates an event in shipments which can accomplish milestones in tracking plans |
Secure Chain |
When receiving Webhook Event data from Portbase, which relates to an initial outgoing Track Request issued by Scope (still under construction!), the data of the event can be printed by using form ‘cargoControllerEvent.jasper' (which replaces form 'M1002’). |
Portbase / Printing |
When printing M1002 documents (same for Webhook Event Data), the printed document is now linked to the relating shipment / master instead of the received message. As a result the documents are visible in the documents tab of the shipment (or master) under one node (they are stacked). So all documents of this type can be collapsed now. |
Sea Import Superhouse |
In the consolidation tab of the sea import superhouse (FCL) the available / consolidated house shipments are displayed also with their house B/L number (if available). |
Carrier Event Handling |
When receiving carrier event from the CC Scope now uses the receiver address (branch) in addition to the provided USI to find the relating shipment / master, to which the received event should be linked. |
Tradetech |
Manifest Filing Status will be displayed on Master |
Road Carrier |
Fields for MILOG and Insurance are removed if feature not activated |
Ocean Carrier EDI |
Convert Centimeter to Meter in LCL Booking because INTTRA does not support Centimeter |
Order Tracking |
Add VGM Closing as order property for Tracking Template |
Dakosy |
Remove trailing / leading spaces in booking reference field within Dakosy order |
Simple Shipment |
Fix piece count on DGR in TransportOrder XML generated from a Simple Shipment |
Tradetech |
Validate filing type mismatch on Master sending if house has different filing type |
Portbase |
Portsystem - Use a different renderer to show port communication |
Booking Confirmation / print | Put a new field language on the hardcoded print overlay for booking confirmation | |
Ocean main transport |
Precarriage and oncarriage legs for carrier haulage allow non-seaports for manual input while they were previously accepted in EDI confirmed bookings only |
Container Monitor |
The existing drop down menu in the container monitor to show export, import or forwarding order related entries only has been removed. |
Appliance Home Views |
The appliances air, sea (export and import) and booking have been enhanced to allow displaying the shipper and consignee references in the table view. A search for entries by these fields is also possible (now). |
Sea Carrier EDI |
For the creation of Booking, Shipping Instruction or Vermas messages, the relating shipments (or masters) may now have shipment numbers with up to 20 characters. But currently a validation only allows up to 17 characters - if the numbers are longer, the validation will prevent the user from sending these messages. |
Sea Carrier EDI Events |
When receiving sea carrier EDI events from the SCE clearing center, Scope now checks for relating shipments / masters by using the provided USI AND the receiving Branch. Before the change, only the USI was used, which led in some cases to not seeing the event anywhere in Scope. |
Sea Carrier EDI |
Fix VGM entry to automatically set date and liable person on setting VGM weight |
Transport Order Remarks |
When creating / updating the remarks in a transport order, an exception was thrown in case the texts to be set / replaced (coming from some default settings in the partner data used) contained a $ sign. This bug has been fixed (Fix is also backported to Scope 24.8) |
Inbound FCL Events |
When receiving inbound Ocean FCL Events via the OCE Clearing Center, the actual date/time values are used now to set the event date/time of the created rsixml2 event, which is later on processed in Scope. |
Tradetech |
Manifest Transmission fails on type “Any” |
Master Data |
Deleted container depots on central master data instance are no longer used for auto-creation of partners on customer instances |
Container Monitor |
The implemented filter criteria to display / search deactivated or completed entries has been removed again. |
Simple Shipment |
When entering dangerous goods entries for simple shipments of type Road or Sea, there is no validation warning shown anymore in case of a missing IATA Cargo IMP code. |
Sea / Booking Appliance |
The introduced “GDP” code for air shipments is not available anymore as column and search criteria in the sea appliances. In case of bookings, the possible GDP entry of a booking has no effect in case the booking is converted into a sea shipment. |
Type |
Area |
Description |
Die Statistik wurde um die Felder registration_erliest_egz und registration_latest_egz erweitert. |
Wird ein Verschluss in mehr als einem Vorgang verwendet, durch manuelle Vergabe, so wird keine Warnung mehr angezeigt, dass der Verschluss nicht manuell vergeben werden soll. Es gibt zusätzlich einen Hinweis, in welchem Vorgang der Verschluss bereits verwendet wurde. |
ATLAS WKS - Neues “WKS Aktiv” Feld im Atlas Deklarant |
Es gibt ein neues Feld “WKS Release” im Atlas Deklaranten mit den Optionen:
Man kann auf Atlas 10.1 umgestellt sein aber noch das alte ASUMA und REXDIS Modul nutzen. Erst nach der Übergangsphase muss auf das neue WKS umgestellt werden. Im Regelfall wird die Administration durch den Riege-Support durchgeführt. |
Einführung eines neuen Kenn-buchstabens für das VBD “V” |
Vom Zoll wurde ein neuer Kennbuchstabe für die PDF eingeführt. Diesen konnte Scope nicht interpretieren. Dies hatte zufolge, dass nicht alle PDF angezeigt wurden, die vom Zoll zu dem Versandvorgang übermitelt wurden. |
ATLAS 10.1: CUSCON-Automatik über SumA-MRNs auslösen |
Die automatische Bestätigung der CusCon fuktionierte nicht mehr, wenn die MRN als Vorpapier erfasst wurde. Dies wurde behoben, sodass die alte Komfortfunktionalität wiederhergestellt wurde. |
Bisher wurden keine Hinweise zu vorzulegenden Unterlagen angezeigt, wenn als Ursprungsland ein EU-Land verwendet wurde. Dies wurde nun angepasst. Wenn ein EU-Land erfasst wird, schaut Scope im EZT nach EU, sodass nun auch die Unterlagen gem. EZT angezeigt werden. |
Bei der Verdichtung von Positionen wurden die EU-Codes in einer Position doppelt aufgeführt. Dies wurde korrigiert, sodass doppelte Werte automatisch gelöscht werden. |
Der Validierungskomfort funktionierte nicht zuverlässig: Beim Klick auf eine gelbe Validierung ist Scope nicht in die jeweilige Position und an die entsprechende Stelle gesprungen. Dies wurde korrigiert. |
NCTS Eingang |
Bei der EDESREM gab es die Möglichkeit eine Sequenznummer = 0 zu erfassen. Es dürfen aber nur Werte >0 erfasst werden. Dies wurde korrigiert und eine Fehlervalidierung eingebaut, falls der Wert kleiner 1 ist. |
SumA |
Wird eine ESV im Vorfeld angelegt aus einer NCTS Entladung, so wird jetzt das Kennzeichen und das Verkehrsmittel aus der Entladeerlaubnis beim Öffnen der ESV gezogen. |
Type |
Area |
Description |
Accounts Payable Import |
The import of e-invoices has been enhanced to import and display more invoice data. Among other newly added fields, the customization ID now shows an identifier that specifies the standard under which the e-invoice was created. E-invoices featuring a customization ID are considered legally binding, as they are typically produced by the invoice issuer rather than by an OCR software, for instance. Consequently, the invoice data cannot be modified post-import. Additionally, the default actions executed in Scope following a manual invoice import have been improved. The corresponding editor will now open at the point where the invoice import process was halted, either due to errors or based on the configurations set in the vendor-specific import template. |
Accounts Payable Import |
Supplier-specific import templates can be created to streamline the import of e-invoices and the mapping of invoice data. It is now possible to set default configurations for the creation of new templates with the “Settings” context action on the accounts payable import templates overview. This feature is particularly interesting, as defaults can be provided for the automations functionalities performed after the invoice import. Consequently, not every clerk responsible for importing invoices is required to have permissions to modify these settings. |
Accounts Payable Import |
The context action “Create all invoices” has been removed from accounts payable import overview. It is replaced by the automation functionalities offered on accounts payable import templates. |
Accounts Payable |
Some fields in the accounts payable editor can no longer be modified for imported invoices.
The accounts payable editor displays an indicator to show whether an invoice has been imported. |
Quotations |
The quotation module has been enhanced to store flight information and a routing for air quotations. It is now integrated with the flight schedule, allowing for efficient lookup of available flights. The routing can be printed on the quotation document and is used to calculate more precise CO2 values. |
Quotations |
Depending on the shipment type of a quotation the order segments pickup, main carriage or delivery may be enabled or disabled manually. |
Document Archive Interface |
The document archive interface has been extended to allow the export of quotation documents. |
Accounts Receivables & Payables |
The cancel permissions for accounts receivables and payables have been split into two permissions to distinguish between internal and external invoices. |
Accounts Receivables |
Own bank details can be managed through the “Edit Bank Accounts” action on Settings > Finance > Accounting. They are printed on outgoing invoice documents and used for e-invoice exports. The following enhancements have been made for the administration and application of bank accounts:
Accounts Receivables |
The accounts receivable editor shows a validation error, if the bank account set on the debtor partner profile of the invoice recipient has been deactivated. |
Open Balance & Credit Limit Import |
The import of open balances on debtor account level and credit limit import has been revised to support Excel sheets in addition to CSV files. |
Month Closing |
A new configuration option has been introduced for month closing invoices. The invoice and cancellation dates can be set to corresponding booking dates instead of the actual creation date. |
The fiscal UUID of an outgoing invoice assigned by the SAT can now be shown on the accounts receivables overview and is available as an optional column in the accounts receivable export. In addition to that outgoing invoices can be found by their fiscal UUID. |
The Mexican CFDI 4.0 implementation has been updated:
The cancellation process supports further responses from SAT in the event that cancellation requests are rejected. |
E-Invoice Export |
Updated the Romanian UBL e-invoice format CIUS RO-NAT to version 1.0.9 |
DATEV Accounting Interface |
On request, the economic date can be omitted for the export of month closing invoices. |
Quotations |
The copy quotation action has been fixed in case the current branch is no air or sea agent. |
Quotations |
Fixed the visibility of the latest shipping date on the calculation tab. |
Economic Dates |
The automatic update of economic dates has been fixed for sub-house shipments. |
Tariff Import |
The courier tariff import could create invalid tariffs in case the accumulated option was used in certain cases. This has been corrected. |
Reporting |
The export of amounts in the “Work in progress” report has been fixed for certain aggregated invoices that were created from cost specifications. |
Accounts Payables |
The tax reason codes entered in the accounts payables editor were recalculated after each refresh of the vendor address or each vendor partner change. This is now prevented, if the change of the vendor has no effect on the taxes of the invoice. |