
How can I validate the EU-VAT-ID?

The EU VAT Registration Number can be verified via web, marked as valid manually or marked as valid for domestic use manually.

Master Data > Partner ... Registration IDs (tab)

context menu vat id

Verify (F3)

For EU-VAT-ID validation Scope depending on a EU web-service. If this service is unavailable, Scope will show a popup Read time out. http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/

Automatic validation of EU-VAT-ID by activating the option "Validation of EU-VAT-ID with every voucher of payments receivable" - please contact Scope Helpdesk to activate this option.

Manually mark as valid

Manual validation of EU-VAT-ID.
Result: EU-VAT-ID is set to still valid and no automatic validation.

Manually mark as valid for domestic use

Manual validation of EU-VAT-ID only for domestic use.
Result: EU-VAT-ID is set to valid and no automatic validation.

Listing of valid and invalid EU-VAT identification numbers

Settings > Scope Events

Select the filter VAT ID check Events Types.

en_VAT check_1