
Why can I not select an agent on my shipment?

This article outlines the necessary settings for a partner with the agent role to ensure they can be selected as the agent in shipments.

Sometimes, you may attempt to select one of your partners as the agent for a shipment, but they don't appear when you enter the partner code in Scope. Below, we displayed an example:


Why isn’t Scope able to find the partner I’m looking for?

After adding a partner with the agent role, you need to assign them a star rating between 1 and 5 to make them selectable. The higher the rating, the higher the agent will appear in the search results when selecting an agent.

1. Add a rating on the agent role of a partner

  • Navigate to: Master Data > Partner 
  • Search for the partner you want to use (in this example: Scope Cargo International Bangkok) 
  • Steps 1 and 2: Navigate to Roles tab, and select Agent.
  • Step 3: You now see the screen below, and you can give the agent the rating of your choosing.
  • Step 4: Make sure you have added the agent locations as well. If there is no agent location entered, you can add one using the Add button
  • When you have rated the agent and added the agent locations, simply click Save and proceed with your shipment.


2. Add UN/location code

A red validation can also occur if the Nearest UNLocode is not entered on the partner.

  • Navigate to: Master Data > Partner 
  • In the General tab, you can enter the Nearest UNLocode. See the example below: