
Scope home view

What is what on the Scope user interface? 

After the login process, the first thing that opens is the Scope home view. This allows you to navigate within Scope, access the main applications and open documents, and manage folders. The elements in the main menu bar (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), the access bar (8) and the status bar (6) are always available. The elements in the active application area are loaded depending on the selected application.

(1) Back button

With these buttons you can - similar to a web browser - browse back to used documents and applications.

(2) Home page

Clicking this button - also similar to a web browser - reloads the Scope start page, regardless of which application you are currently working in.

(3) Scope applications

This button displays the entire Scope application menu. The various applications are arranged by topic in different submenus. A mouse click on the corresponding menu item opens the desired application.

(4) Folder menu

Using the folder menu, documents can be added to a specific folder (Add to) or sent to another user's inbox (Send to). You can also create a reminder here. 

For a detailed explanation of folders and their function, click here:
Folders on the Scope home page.

(5) Notifications

You can use this button to call up notifications.

(6) Program Actions (Example: Refresh)

Depending on the active application, various program actions are offered here. These are explained in detail in the descriptions of the individual applications.

(7) Quick search

The global quick search allows you to quickly find the information you need. The search is performed across all applications and the results are output subdivided by application.

(8) Program Fast Access

The Program fast access bar allows you to directly open the most used Scope applications (standard applications). You can assign up to 9 applications as desired.

Customizing the Program fast access bar
With the Configure... button, you open the editor for the displayed default applications.

(9) Folder pane

In addition to the system folders Inbox, Favorites, Recent Documents
you can also create or delete your own folders here using the action links New Folder and Delete Folder. (The system folders cannot be deleted).

(10) Folder contents

Here the documents are displayed which are assigned to the selected folder. By default, the last used documents are displayed here. As in the example: here eight documents are shown in the folder last used documents, which are displayed under (10). 

For a detailed explanation of the folders and their function, click here:
Folders on the Scope home page.

(11) Open documents

This area shows the currently open documents. A mouse click on the desired document will load it back into the active applications area.

(12) Notes

Here you can create a new note or read already existing notes. 
A detailed explanation of notes and their function can be found here:
How do I create a note?

(13) Printer pool

The currently assigned printer pool is displayed here. By a mouse click on the pool, all available printer pools are displayed. With a click on the desired entry, you can switch to this printer pool.

(14) User

By a mouse click on the username, a list of the available organizations (companies) and organizational units (branches) is displayed. Clicking on the desired entry will switch to the selected branch.

Yellow status icon with white arrow

An update for the Scope Runtime is available.
Left-click the icon to access the message with further instructions.