
How do I use the Air Freight Booking Portal in Shipments?

Integration of the Air Freight Booking Portal for managing air freight bookings in Scope — including ad hoc spot and contract rates.

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The Air Freight Booking Portal integration enables the entire air cargo booking process to be handled entirely within Scope via a premium provider. Scope integrates the search for availability and rates as well as the capacity booking with an airline of our partner CargoAi. 

The Scope integration includes the technical registration directly from Scope. The registration creates a technical registration with CargoAi and does not require an additional account or a contractual agreement between CargoAi and the forwarder. A contractual relationship is only required between the forwarder and Riege. 

Billing model

Billing during the search, but not the booking itself.

Flight data cannot be transferred to the shipment without a booking.

For a pure flight schedule search, please use the standard flight schedule search. 

  • No additional fees are charged by Riege or Cargo Ai on the rates: The rates are the same as for the airlines

Airline Overview

We have now globally >100 airlines like DHL, Air India, Aeromexico, Keny Airlines, China Airlines etc. in total. To get an overview about the covered airlines/Booking coverage, please visit: https://bi.cargoai.co/superset/dashboard/API_Coverage/

Booking shipments

Airline bookings via CargoAi can be created for Air Export Direct and Back to Back shipments, Air Export Master and Air Export (customer) bookings (Extras > Book flight via CargoAi, or context menu (right-click) in the Master AWB number field).

To be able to book a flight via CargoAi, no other airline booking must have been created yet.

1st page (data entry and verification)

The data on this page is used to query flights and rates via CargoAi and to make a booking.
The data is entered as far as possible in the shipment, but can be modified for the booking.
CargoAi allows a maximum period of 5 days for a search, which we make full use of here in order to minimize the number of chargeable search queries.

how to book

ℹ️ When package details are entered, setting packages to “stackable” rather the default “non-stackable” might have a major impact on the offered rates and costs. Packages that are stackable, turnable or top loadable should be flagged accordingly to find the best rate and cost option.

Click on 'Book flight via CargoAi' in Extras or in the context menu (right-click) of the AWB number field.

2nd page — Select flight — display of search results (flights and rates)

It may take a while to compile all the search results. The status of the search is displayed below the table. Scope queries the status of the search with CargoAi every 4 seconds and displays the partial results available up to that point. Even during the search, flights can be selected from the partial results and details can be viewed. By default, only bookable flights are displayed.

The “Add later flights” button triggers a new search (note: counts and is billed again!) for the subsequent period.

Show details

The "Show details" button is available for a selected flight options.
The details shown are especially useful on non-bookable flight options because in most cases the details reveal the reason why the option is not bookable, which might be airline specify (e.g. some airlines do not allow instant booking of non-stackable packages).

3rd page (check flight details and finalize booking)

The details of the selected flight are displayed.
Depending on the flight/airline, it may be necessary to add an AWB number for a booking.
Click on “Book flight” to make a binding booking for the selected flight.


After booking

As with other bookings, the booked data is visible as 'Airline booking' in Shipment / Master / Booking. In the case of a CargoAi booking, the dialog opens in read-only mode.
In the dialog 'Airline booking' there is an additional tab in which the booked costs are displayed.

Right-click options for accessing booking details and status (CargoAi) as well as a quick option to cancel the booking.

When calculating costs and revenues, the booked rate (including other charges) is used for the provision to the airline.

Check booking status

In the event that the booking has not been declined but not immediately confirmed by the airline, the status of the booking must currently be checked manually via the airline booking dialog. We are working with CargoAi on an automated solution.

In the airline booking dialog you will find an action in the booking status to check the status of the booking via CargoAi

Cancel booking

CargoAi bookings are canceled — in the same way as other airline bookings — by deleting the airline booking.

The following screenshot illustrates the options once again from the airline booking dialog after selecting “Airline Booking” from the right-click context menu:

Options for status check and cancellation in the airline booking dialog