
How can I create predefined text blocks and use them with shortcuts in Scope?

Text blocks are defined standard texts that can be added to any text field in Scope. Text blocks can consist of individual lines as well as entire text blocks.

Inserting text blocks

In every text field of Scope you have the possibility to insert a text block.
Click the right mouse button and then go to "Text blocks...". Then you can search for and select the appropriate code and use the Insert action to insert the corresponding standard text.

Create text blocks

Go to Master Data > Text Blocks.

Code A unique alphanumeric code that represents the text block.
Description A short description of the code and perhaps its use.
Visibility Determine where the text-block should be available 
  • Public
    Text block available everywhere in the organization
  • Legal Entity
    Text block available in the legal entity active when the block was created
  • Branch
    Text block available in the branch active when the block was created
Text The text of the text block. This may be one or multiple lines. It is possible to use placeholders in the text, allowing the placeholder to be populated with shipment related data. You can double-click using your mouse in the text block text field to get a popup showing the placeholders you can select from.

Using placeholders in text modules

You can use the ${data from scope} syntax to have Scope automatically insert certain values. Some examples of possible placeholders are mentioned in the table below. To see the full list of possible placeholders use ctrl-space in a Text Block in Scope. 

Explanation: To get the current transport document number (e.g. AWB number), enter the string ${transportnumber}.

Customer Name ${orderer}
Customer Full address ${ordererFull}
Shipper Name ${shipper}
Shipper Full Address ${shipperFull}
Consignee Name ${consignee}
Scope Assigned shipment number ${shipmentnumber}
Transport document number (AWB - AIR / OBL - SEA) ${transportnumber}
Departure Name ${departure}
Destination Name ${destination}