In this article we show you how to add a Track & Trace user step by step.
You can add Track & Trace (T&T) users via Scope when you follow the next steps.
Navigate to the Scope menu > Settings > Tracking > User Accounts
Here you see the overview of all T&T users that are created.
Permission is required to enter the Scope Connect user accounts. If you do not have this permission you can contact your local service team.
How to add a user
To add a user, you select New at the top of your screen and you enter the following information on the General Tab:
- Login: Create a login name. The login name must be formatted as a mail address (small letters. Example:
- Name: Given name and surname
- E-mail: Mail address
- *Password: Optional (the user will receive an e-mail to set a password)
- *Password (again): Optional
- Telephone: Optional
- Activation Date: Optional when the activation date is set in the future
- De-Activation date: Only to be set when the account is de-activated
- Language: Default = Browser Select
- Profile: Default
- Statistic layout: Default
* It is not necessary to add a password. You can leave this field empty and Scope will send an e-mail to the new user with the request to finish the account and enter a password. When a password is entered, it can be changed by the user after the first login.
Set user features in Scope Connect
Go to the Features TAB to set the options that the new user has in Scope Connect.
- Enable Tracking: Allows the user to track their shipments
- Enable Booking: Allows the user to create a new booking via Scope Connect
- Enable Pre-Alerts: Allows the user to enter a departed import shipment
- Enable Purchase Order Management: Leave unselected
- Enable Shipment Monitor: Allows the user to view the Shipment Monitor
- Allow Milestone Completion: Allows the user to complete milestones
- Enable Handling: Leave unselected
- Allow note creation: Allows the user to create a note that will be visible in the shipment
Set the user permissions and access for Shipment Tracking
Go to the Tracking TAB to set the user permissions and access to
- Visibility restricted to Legal Entities: Select your legal entity (or multiple entities) that the user is able to view. Example: if the users should only see shipments that are created in legal entity YYY you only select YYY. So shipments created on branch XXX with the same partner are not visible.
- Visibility restricted to Branches: When the user is only allowed to view shipments entered in a certain branch your select the allowed branch here.
- Visibility for Partners: Select the partners whose shipments this user is allowed to view.
- Invoices visible for recipients: Select from which partner(s) the user is allowed to view your invoices.
- Additionally allowed documents: Select which documents that are generated by Scope are allowed to be viewed by the user.
- Denied documents: Select which documents generated by Scope, are not allowed to be viewed by the user.
- Enable Event-Input: No longer supported.
Predefine user data to be used in bookings and pre-alerts
Go to the Parties (data entry) TAB to allow the user to use the selected data.
Branches: The branches for which the user can create bookings and/or pre-alerts.
Agents: The agents partners the user is able to select from a drop-down list.
Shippers: The shipper partner the user is able to select from a drop-down list.
Consignee, Notify Parties: The consignee, Notify partner the user is able to select from a drop-down list.
Customers: The customer the user is is able to select from a drop-down list.
If the Agent, Shipper, Consignee/Notify Parties, and Customers are not added to the user account, the user will have the option to manually enter the data when creating a new booking.
If you want to upload any documents related to the creation of the user's profile you can save it in the Documents TAB.
Any e-mails sent to a Scope Connect user can be found in the Email TAB.
User History
In the User History TAB you can monitor when the user has logged in and if it was a successful login or not.
How to unblock a Scope Connect user?
When the user has multiple failed login attempts the user account will be blocked and can be unblocked manually via the User History TAB by clicking on Unblock.
How can I delete or re-activate a Scope Connect user?
There are two options:
- De-activate the user: By entering a deactivation date in the General TAB the account becomes locked as per the entered date. If the users requests access again you can simply remove the deactivation date and the user will be able to login again.
- Delete the user: When a user is deleted it will be no longer visible and it will be fully deleted from Scope. Re-activation with the same login ID can only be done by Riege Software.
- You can create a new login with a different user ID as used in the past.
- You can contact your local Riege Service Team and request to re-activate the user profile by providing the user ID that was used in the past.