1. Knowledge Base
  2. Finance
  3. Invoicing/Payables/Costs/Estimates

Update open balance in Scope for invoices and/or debtors

This procedure describes the steps for updating the outstanding balance in Scope using a file with the outstanding invoices.

This process consists of the following steps:

  1. From the accounting package create a file with the outstanding invoices
  2. Import these outstanding invoices into Scope

1. From the accounting package create a file with the outstanding invoices

This steps depends on which accounting package is being used.

For Exact Online, see: How to export the outstanding invoices from Exact Online

2. Import these outstanding invoices into Scope

The way the open account-receivables should be imported in Scope depends on whether the dunning module in Scope is used .

Not using Dunning Module

In this case, Scope will only update the outstanding balances per Debtor (and not per invoice)

Use the following steps:

  1. In Scope use the function: Finance/Accounting 
  2. In this function you will find the menu option "Import OB & Credit Limit".
  3. Select the file containing the outstanding account-receivables and import this into Scope.

Once the file has been selected and processed by Scope, the open balances of the debtors will be updated. You can see that on the Debtor role of your Partners in the following fields:

  • Open Balance (import): This is the amount last imported
  • Open Balance (invoices): This is the amount of invoices not interfaced to your accounting package yet (not included in an interface batch job yet)
  • Open Balance (total): Sum of the two above.

Using Dunning Module

In this case, Scope need to update the balance of each invoice and update the outstanding balance per Debtor. Once that is done, the Dunning module can produce the dunning-letters to the debtors.

For this the outstanding account receivables and outstanding account payables should be imported in Scope.

Use the following steps:

  1. In Scope use the function: Finance/Payments(invoices)
  2. Select menu option: "Import"
  3. Select the  file with the outstanding account-receivables and import it in Scope
  4. Repeat same for the file with the outstanding account-payables.

Now the balance of each invoice is updated and Scope is ready to issue dunning-letters.


It is possible to e-mail the files with outstanding account receivables and payables to Scope. Balances will then be updated in Scope automatically after receiving the e-mail with these files attached. If you wish to make use of this feature, please fill out the Service request form.