Air Freight
Customs (general)
NL Customs
- NL Customs Partner
- NL Customs Reporting
- NL DMS (general)
- NL DMS Export
- NL DMS Import
- NL DMS Rejections
- NL NCTS5/DVA (general)
- NL NCTS5/DVA Migration
- NL NCTS5/DVA Arrival
- NL NCTS5/DVA Departure
- NL NCTS5/DVA Rejections
- NL NCTS (general)
- NL NCTS Departure
- NL Client PD
- NL Client VWA
- NL Articles
Ocean Freight
Scope Connect
Master Data
NL Chamber of Commerce
NL Support
NL Training
Legacy User Manual
Scope Updates
Setup & Preparation
Scope Connect is used to provide third parties such as business partners, agents, customers and employees with information about air and sea consignments. These partners can search for shipments, see status events or create and submit bookings.
- There is no delay between activities on the web and Scope. Web information and Scope are always 100% up to date and synchronized. This is because the Scope system and the web services it provides utilize the same database.
- Give access rights to third parties to add events in Scope Connect using their web browser. These are immediately visible to all users with permissions to view the shipment. You control the information your Scope Connect users can see on the web.
- Bookings created by users in Web Connect are immediately available in Scope for conversion to full shipments. The ability to create bookings is of course managed via the Scope Connect user's access rights.
- Setting up a single address (URL) that leads to Scope connect.
For Scope Connect setup, we need the hostname you want to use to run the website, e.g. connect.<your-domain>.com. For this purpose, please also commission an entry (CNAME record) in your DNS that points from this hostname to the host 'scope-prod.riege.com'. - For a secure HTTPS communication, we will create a suitable SSL certificate for you.
- We can provide an individual logo and background for the login screen and customize the color scheme. For the color scheme, we can follow your corporate design or the color scheme of your website.
Logo size (maximum): 280x70 pixels
Size background: 2000x1250 pixels