To comply with international rules and regulations, knowledge of current sanctions lists and databases is essential.
The address check in Scope is performed against the following lists:
country | authority | official name |
abbr. |
EU | EEAS | Consolidated Financial Sanctions List | CFSP |
EU | Council of the EU | EU-Russia embargo Restrictions for dual-use goods intended for list organizations | EURUDU |
EU | Council of the EU | EU – Russia embargo: Re-strictions on access to the capital market | EURUKM |
UK | HM Treasury | Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets in the UK | BOE |
UK | HM Treasury | List of entities subject to capital market restrictions (ehem. Ukraine Sovereignty list) | UKUASL |
NL | Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken | Nationale sanctielijst terrorisme | NLNST |
BE | Föderaler Öffentl. Dienst Finanzen | Belgian National Sanctions List | BENS |
US | Dep. of Treasury | Money Laundering Concerns List | FINCEN |
US | DDTC | List of Administratively Debarred Parties | LADP |
US | State Dept. | List of Statutorily Debarred Parties | LSDP |
US |
BIS BIS (Bureau of Industry & Security) BIS
List of Nonproliferation Sanctions Denied Persons List Entity List Unverified List
US | OFAC | Specially Designated Nationals List | SDN |
US | OFAC | Consolidated Sanctions List inkl.: o Foreign Sanctions Evaders List o Sectoral Sanctions Identification List o Palestinian Legislative Council List o Non-SDN Iranian Sanctions Act List o List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions List o Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions List o Non-SDN Communist Chinese Military Companies List |
CH | Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft | Liste des Staatssekretariats für Wirtschaft (Consolidated Sanctions) | SECO |
JP | METI | End User List | EUL |