  1. Knowledge Base
  2. Finance
  3. Invoicing/Payables/Costs/Estimates

How do I manage our (own) bank accounts in Scope?

Go to Settings > Finance > Accounting and click the action link “Edit Bank Accounts”

First table: The order of the accounts determines which account will be picked first, when performing actions involving invoices or statements/dunning.

Second table: For every currency that is configured in Scope, the bank account Scope would use is shown.

New account or edit an account

You can copy accounts and Scope will also validate the account number and check this currency/account combination already exists.

Use cases

  1. Print them on invoice and statement/dunning PDF documents

  2. Include them in e-invoices when using the payment type transfer

Instead of providing all account entries for a given bank account, Scope will provide only the one account entry with the currency matching to the voucher currency.