
How do I check expected and actual profit of a shipment?

Scope offers a function to check the jobcosting of each shipment.

Forwarding > Shipment Overview > Extras > Check Jobcosting    

  • In the Scope Accounting configuration, the "Expected Profit" functionality needs to be enabled in order to allow the user to review the "Expected Profit" of a shipment. [Ask the Riege Support team to enable this option].
  • In the Scope Accounting configuration, the "Four-Eyes Principle" functionality needs to be enabled in order to allow reviewing the jobcosting. [Ask the Riege Support team to activate this feature].
  • Setting profit and checking jobcosting cannot be done by the same user.
  1. After choosing Check Jobcosting a new window opens and you can choose the shipment which you want to check. At the overview you can see the screen of jobcosting with income, cost, profit, expected and actual profit. 
  2. By choosing Status Set you can see the remarks of the expected profit. 
  3.  Click on the button Check at Overview Screen, to change status to Checked.