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Legacy User Manual
Scope Updates
How can I prioritize some tracking templates to be applied to a shipment, and how can I disconnect an incorrectly assigned tracking plan?
The priority setting for the filters in tracking plans can be used to give a weighting to the filter. This is used by the system to apply the most suitable tracking template to a shipment.
Each of the filters in a tracking plan has a specific order attribute, a filter value and a priority value (number). This number can be any integer from 1 upward.
With these priority numbers, Scope calculates a weighting. This is done by adding up the numbers. This weighting defines, if a tracking plan is more suitable for a certain shipment.
Should several tracking templates apply to a particular shipment, but the total weighting be the same for each of the possible templates, then Scope will
arbitrarily apply a template until a milestone may be applied to a shipment at which point the system may apply the most appropriate template
for the shipment.
How can I disconnect an incorrectly assigned tracking plan?
If a shipment is not applied correctly, you may change the priority numbers for of a filter to increase or decrease the total weight.