
How can I request and change access data for RAKC service in Scope?

Union database on supply chain security (KSDA) will be updated to API 2.0 in September 2023. Be ready by requesting and changing your access data in Scope in time.

Request New Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

Apply for new login access data for the KSDA2 WIND API both for the “Acceptance” and for the “Live” environment at the e-mail address move-application-support@ec.europa.eu . Your Scope test system will always connect with the “Acceptance” environment, while your live system will connect with the “Live” environment of the EU.

Please note that Riege Software cannot assist you requesting the access data due to legal constraints. However, we can assist you adding the details to Scope as shown below.

When entering the credentials, you need to start with the Acceptance environment (respectively, the Scope Test-System).
You then may have to wait several minutes for the validation of the credentials, before you can successfully enter the credentials into the Production environment (Scope Live-System). Waiting is the best option, because right now there is no visible confirmation message for validation.

Use these access data to overwrite the current entries in "API Consumer Key" and "API Consumer Secret" in the Scope EU Security Service Settings.

Where and how to enter

  1. Go to Settings > Airfreight > Air Export Security Setup ... Extras > RAKC Service settings...
  2. In Scope Version prior 23.4 the fields are labeled username and password.
  3. Enter the new data you have retrieved from the KSDA compliance web page.


With this, you request a so-called token (identification mark), which gives you access to the database for a limited period of time. After expiration of the validity, a new token must then be requested.

Technical background

The EU has now released a new version 2.0 of the API. The old version (1.0) will expire in September 2023.