Mit Ihrer Hilfe verbessern wir Scope jeden Tag. Dies sind die neuesten Verbesserungen und hinzugefügten Funktionen.
Suchen Sie den Release Report Scope 23.6?
= Fehlerbehebung
= Verbesserung
= Neue Funktion
Type |
Area |
Description |
Finance / Quotations |
Added CO2 calculation in the quotations module |
Order Tracking |
Added ‘Module’ (Air Export/Air Import/Sea Export/Sea Import/ Simple Shipment/Forwarding Order) as optional filter for Tracking Templates & Milestones |
Air Export |
Added some french characters to the replacements for e-AWB printouts |
Air Export |
Improved flight schedule search by transit ports |
Air Export |
Missing brazil consignee’s CNPJ/CPF is now validated in the AWB editor |
Air Export |
Improved departure control handling of partial departed or arrived events |
Air Export |
Added transmission and print of consignee’s tax ID for air export shipments to brazil including the tax ID prefix (CNPJ/CPF) as per brazil customs requirements |
Booking |
Added option to link/unlink a booking to a quotation |
Order Tracking |
Added incoterms as placeholder for order tracking emails |
Order Tracking |
Enabled quick search by partners (code & name of orderer, shipper, consignee) in the shipment monitor |
Order Tracking |
Added the option to edit the web comment of a milestone during manual completion |
Order Tracking |
Added a read only view on shipment data for shipments belonging to another branch in the shipment monitor (as per shipment overview) |
Order Tracking |
Added a new optional column for all shipment numbers in the shipment monitor, and added the shipment numbers in the preview |
Air Import |
Added display of master’s TOA in air import houses. |
Dangerous Goods Search |
Added new parameters for the ‘best available’ departure/arrival times for email prealerts and printouts |
Carbon Footprint / Sea |
Fixed carbon footprint legs for FCL pickups & deliveries |
Carbon Footprint |
Removed the limitation of max. 10 legs for shipments carbon footprint calculation |
Warehouse Interface / Sea Export |
The generic warehouse interface is now also enabled for sea export LCL shipments |
Transport Orders |
Improved performance in the truck disposition appliance |
Scope Connect |
Fixed showing deactivated transport orders |
Sea Export |
Fix Error -NPE Check to be added |
Air Export |
Fixed interpretation of security exemption remarks as additional security measure |
Air Export |
Fixed potential issues printing custom documents via the air export finish process |
Air Export |
Fixed a bug where sometimes the departure control cleanup could not remove shipments from the departure control |
Air Export |
Fixed a bug that shipments stayed open in departure control in case of additional actual flights |
Air Export |
Fixed a bug that the security status looses ‘accepted by’ when the security status was received by a 3rd party |
Air Export |
Fixed a validation error in the air security setup when the RA/KC service is disabled |
Air Export |
Fixed search by country for mass send airline bookings |
Air Import |
Fixed impossible change of import terminal once a terminal entry was registered. |
Bookings/Sea |
Fixed a bug on DGR validation in seafreight bookings |
Master Data |
Fixed incorrect sorting options in the EDI mapping appliance |
Order Tracking |
Fixed missing import customs references in emails created by order tracking actions for simple shipments |
Order Tracking |
Fixed a bug where the requested pickup/delivery times of simple shipments were not evaluated correct for planned times in order tracking |
Type |
Area |
Description |
Sea Order Tracking |
Enable simplified Milestone Template Generation by hardcoded Enum Values |
Sea |
UNLoCodes for Departure and Destination can now be used in Ocean Bookings (Import and Export) even if they are not flagged as seaports in the UNLoCode application. |
Sea |
Dangerous goods editor in ocean freight allows entering a new property gross weight. The new field is validated, can be printed (new parameters in map producer grossWeight and grossWeightAsEntered) and is transferred in RSIXML2. |
TransportOrder FCL |
Positioning date at customers premises can be later than earliest date for delivery at terminal |
Sea Import |
Super House FCL Voyage information visible on Houses |
Dakosy |
Add validation on Dakosy message reference |
Sea EDI |
Apply default criteria when selecting SCE event type triggers in Milestone Templates |
OI/P44 Subscriptions |
Support customer ID in OI subscription |
OI/P44 Subscriptions |
Favor Booking Ref over OBL# in OI/P44 subscription |
Simple Shipment |
Allow conversion in both directions from metric to imperial and vice versa on the general tab when dimensions and weights were captured within the packages' window in whatever system metric or imperial. |
Ocean Events |
Simple Shipment |
Fix a bug where a specific volume factor was not persisted. |
Sea Portbase |
Default Dynamic String Setup for Portbase Counters has been changed to prevent errors on duplicate counter values when Portbase is used from multiple branches. |
Bookings |
Same retrieval logic for movement scope based on incoterms as implemented for shipments |
Templates |
Ensures notes in templates are taken over when shipments are created |
Transport Order |
Fixed a bug where transport orders were not linked to the Shipment, when converting Booking to Import Shipment |
Pre-Alert |
Fixed a bug where Pre-Alert Import goods marks and numbers are longer than 255 characters |
Ocean Carrier EDI |
Failed Jobs because of NPE in SeaCarrierEDI processing |
Ocean Carrier EDI |
Fixed a Failed Job in seacarrieredi: SpecialHandling |
Portbase |
Fixed a bug where Failed Jobs have been created on Messages from Portbase missing an initial outgoing message from Scope |
Sea Import |
Copy Sea Import House (FCL) - no copy of sailing data |
Simple Shipment |
Exception fixed when entering 2 or more license plates (simple shipment road) |
Sea Export/ Sea Import |
Exception fixed on gross/net weight check in IMDG Validation |
Sea Export/ Shipment Overview |
When updating ATS/ATA data in a sea export master reports produced via the shipment overview hold the updated data for master and all consolidated houses |
Type |
Area |
Description |
Quotations |
When deleting a booking that is linked to a quotation the confirmation dialog now provides the option to unlink the quotation |
Quotations |
On a quotation a new field ‘loading meters’ has been introduced for package based shipment types |
Quotations |
A new permission 'CRM: Quotations Action copy quotations' has been introduced that allows copying quotations |
Quotations |
The shipment type of a sea quotation or the conveyance type of a simple shipment quotation can now be changed by a new menu entry Change shipment type in the Extras menu on the quotation editor |
Shipment Overview |
Refactoring to speed up the Change Financial Status action on the shipment overview |
Reporting | The Customer Invoice Report layout now provides two additional columns ‘Invoice: Subject' and ‘Invoice: Remarks’ | |
Estimates |
Manually created estimates are not deleted anymore when changing the shipment type of a shipment |
Estimates | The user can now select the estimates to fixate in the fixate estimates dialog | |
Payment Import | The amounts of invoices that are created outside of Scope can now be imported via Scope XML/CSV to be included in the open balance | |
Payments (Invoices) | On the Payments(Invoices) overview a different preview is shown when multiple entries are selected | |
E-invoice | The e-invoice export Scope E-Invoice XML on debtor level can now be configured to use an EDI profile for exporting partners, charge types or products with different codes. | |
Jobcosting Tab | Jobcosting entries on the jobcosting tab of a shipment now display the vendor invoice number of incoming invoices | |
Tariffs | The tariff overview has a new optional column “Agent” | |
Tariffs | The tariff option “Free units” is now available for more calculation bases | |
Transport Order Overview | The transport order overview offers a new column and advanced filter option ‘Shipment clerk' | |
Quotations |
The documents of a quotation are now shown on the documents tabs on the booking editor, if the a booking is linked to a quotation |
Quotations | Jobcosting amounts were set to zero if no matching tariff for the given partner could be found. This has been fixed to leave the amounts empty | |
Quotations | When linking a booking that originates from a quotation to an existing shipment Scope now shows a meaningful error message | |
Rates Import | Parsing of date strings given in a German locale, when importing e-rates from a CSV, has been improved | |
Rates Import | For rate imports of type ‘Ocean Freight’ and ‘Courier Rates’ branches are now matched by partner code instead of branch code, as the partner code is also shown in the tariff overview | |
Rates Import | The tariffs tab on the rate import editor now shows imported tariffs that belong to another branch | |
Customs voucher | When creating a customs voucher in Scope automatically, the tax reason code now is derived from the charge type, which can either be “Duties” or “Taxes” | |
Document Archive | Scope Document Archive export messages now use the correct schema version “2.1” | |
Document Archive |
The Scope Document Archive message now provides an element <subType> when exporting transport order related documents |
Accounts Payable |
In Mexico when calculating the due date for incoming invoices the payment terms defined on the creditor partner profile are preferred over the PUE default payment target, which is the 17th of the following month |
Partner |
Opening a branch partner in read-only mode due to missing permissions has been fixed. A dialog informs the user that the partner is not editable when it is a branch partner and the related permission to edit a branch partner is missing |
Shipment Overview |
The blocked shipments filter on shipment overview now includes all types of shipment blocks |