When and how can I obtain support from the Riege NL service team?

This article explains the support guidelines of Riege Software in the Netherlands and Belgium

Helpdesk system

Using F12 in Scope you can create a new ticket in our helpdesk system. Use F12 only for new tickets. For communication about an existing ticket, respond to the previously received email of that ticket.

Support by phone

The support number is 085-236 98 98 and is available on working days from 8:30 to 17:00 (CE(S)T). Please only call if your work is completely blocked. For less urgent issues, wait for our response via the helpdesk system. Ensure a ticket is created before calling, as this gives us the necessary details about the shipment, airway bill, BL, invoice, declaration, etc., in Scope. This helps us provide a more efficient and proactive service.

Please use only the above mentioned number to contact support.
Calling mobile numbers is not intended.

Note: Support for e.g. the following topics will be charged on the monthly invoice:

  • Questions as a result of incorrect data entry
    • for example by a declarant in a declaration
    • incorrect B/L registered in the Sea import entry
    • no destination entered and therefore incorrect VAT handling on the shipment/invoice
    • Customs related answers to questions that a declarant is expected to know (customs knowledge)
    • Questions about Scope due to lack of user knowledge and/or for which an article is already available in our Knowledge Base
    • Assistance with financial packages
    • Printer and network issues
    • Support not related to parts of our software
    • In other words, no gap in the software but knowledge / usage related or not Scope related
At the beginning of each month, with the monthly subscription invoice, you receive an overview of paid and unpaid support of the previous month.
To minimize costs:
  • Arrange first-line support internally
  • Only allow assigned contacts to register tickets and call Riege

Status of disruptions

If you experience a disruption in Scope or in the communication with other parties, check if it is already a known disruption. For Scope, you can follow the current status via: https://status.riege.com/. You can subscribe to updates about components relevant to you.

For communication issues with external parties, please check their status first:

Extended support number

In addition to the regular support number, an extended support number is available: 085-236 98 99. Only use this number if you cannot process your shipment or declaration any further and cannot wait until the next working day.


  • Monday to Friday: 07:30-08:30 en 17:00-21:00 (CE(S)T)
  • Saturday, Sunday, and holidays: 09:00-17:00 (CE(S)T)
Please ensure that a ticket has been created in the helpdesk system before leaving a message. We will review your message within the specified time window, open and investigate the ticket, and contact you. Be sure to include your phone number so we can reach you.


The extended support number is intended only for urgent issues that prevent operations, such as:

  • Inability to log into Scope
  • Shipments or declarations that cannot be processed and cannot wait until the next working day

Charges for usage of the extended support number

  • No charges apply for troubleshooting disruptions in Scope or the Riege network.
  • A 100% surcharge on the standard support rate applies for:
    • Notifications or malfunctions caused by external parties
    • Issues within your own network
    • Non-urgent support requests that could wait until the next working day

The emergency number is unavailable outside the specified time frames.