
Scope Customs Integration V5

Scope Customs Integration (SCI) ist die universelle Schnittstelle für die Datenübergabe zwischen Scope und externen Systemen.







5.119 20.01.2025 Added new file V5_PASSAR_NT015.xml for mapping passar ncts declarations,
Added conveyanceReference to meansOfTransportType,
Added TransportEquipment to prevDocType,
Added otherReference to guaranteeDataType,
Added Reason code and text to guaranteeDataType
5.118 17.01.2025 Changed “docNo” to allow up to 70 characters.
5.117 06.01.2025 Minor changes to some German mappings.
Changed “versionType” to allow 3 digit minor versions.
5.116 22.11.2024 Update DVA mapping and example in order to add an alternative way to add transport equipment/goodsReferences  
5.115 18.11.2024 Added “client” to the recipient of integration messages. Added “releas” as an alternative way to release inventory in German write-offs from the bonded warehouse.   
5.114 25.10.2024 Add field arrivalDateAndTime to schema for DVA and update mapping and example for DVAIE015.  
5.113 17.10.2024 Changed “registration” and “originalRegistration” in ATLAS write off elements, to be optional.
5.112 11.10.2024 Added customs registration number references to house
5.111 11.09.2024 Added ATLAS 10.1 changes
5.110 11.09.2024 Updated file V5_NL_DVA_Declaration.xml and V5_NL_DVA_IE015.xml. Added new file V5_NL_DVA_Arrival.xml for mapping the new NL DVA schema. Added also V5_NL_DVA_IE007.xml as an example.
5.109 21.08.2024 Added new file V5_NL_DVA_Declaration.xml for mapping the new NL DVA schema. Added also V5_NL_DVA_IE015.xml as an example.
5.108 18.06.2024 Added “authorisation” to “houseShipmentCustomsType” and enhanced mapping for ATLAS AES 3.0 declarations.    
5.107 06.06.2024

Added “authorisationType” and “customsOfficeOfSupervision” to “WriteOff” to enhance mapping for ATLAS AES 3.0 and ATLAS NCTS 9.1 declarations.

Added “equipmentItemReference” on house level to enhance mapping for ATLAS AES 3.0 declarations.<br/>Added mapping for German IMPOST procedures.

5.106 27.05.2024

Added new file V5_AT_NCTS_IE015.xml for mapping the new austrian ncts schema.

Changed “DEWriteOffATNEUType” to allow up to 999 “ATB” and “AWB”. 

5.105 06.05.2024
  • Added description to transit flag in Atlas SumA mappings and changed “previousDocNumber” to allow up to 30 characters.
  • Enhanced PartiesType to allow more than one reference.
  • Added importTerminal to transportData for CustomsOrder. 
5.103 14.02.2024

Removed customsDocument, as the Scope Document Interface should be used instead.  

5.102 02.01.2024

Enhanced mapping for the “prevDocData” in ATLAS AES 3.0 declarations.

5.101 05.12.2023

Enhanced mapping for the “commercialDocs” in ATLAS AES 3.0.

5.100 29.11.2023

Enhanced mapping for the “locationOfGoods” in ATLAS AES 3.0 declarations.